SLEEPING BEAUTIES #2 --- DeSoto Firedome 1955 OLDTIMER

in #photography7 years ago

Dear Steemians

As some of you meanwhile know, I've been having my kiks on Route 66 in march this year. During this amazing journey I was prepared to see lot of things, landscapes, buildings, roadside attractions, ruins and cars in good and less good condition as well as wrecks. But had never thought that I would see so many wrecked old-timers, whom one can still recognize that they once counted among the beauties of the great American highways. Some for sure already appeared in my posted Route 66 Series, but I think these and other awesome pieces of well formed metal deserve to be presented apart.

Here is the second of a series of American and other Road-Side-wrecks. I call them


I've been trying to find out and this should be a 1955 DeSoto Firedome. If I'm wrong - for I'm not to 100% sure for the year - correct me please. I'll give a full 100% upvote (don't expect to much - I'm a little 🐟) to the first comment revealing the correct model!

I hope you enjoy and wish you all a wonderful day, dear fellow Steemians!

See you!

Liebe Steemians

Wie einige von euch mittlerweile wissen, hatte ich meine Kiks auf Route 66 im März dieses Jahres. Während dieser großartigen Reise war ich auf vieles vorbereitet, wie tolle Landschaften, Gebäude, Roadside-Attraktionen, Ruinen, Autos in gutem und weniger gutem Zustand, wie auch auf Wracks. Ich hätte aber niemals gedacht, so viele Oldtimer-Wracks zu sehen. Den meisten von ihnen sieht man heute noch an, dass sie einst zu den Schönheiten der amerikanischen Highways zählten. Einige sind mit Sicherheit schon in verschiedenen Folgen meiner Route 66 Serie, vorgekommen, aber ich glaube die fantastischen Teile aus wohlgeformtem Blech verdienen es, gesondert vorgestellt zu werden.

Hier ist nun der zweite Teil meiner neuen Serie über diese Road-Side-Wracks. Ich nenne sie


Ich habe ein bisschen recherchiert und es dürfte sich um ein DeSoto Firedome von 1955 sein . Falls ich falsch liege - mit dem Jahrgang bin ich mir nicht sicher, verbessert oder vervollständigt die Angaben in den Comments, dafür gibt es dann ein volles Upvote (erwartet euch nicht zuviel, ich bin nur ein kleiner 🐟)!

Ich hoffe es gefällt und wünsche euch allen einen wundervollen Tag, liebe Steemit-Freunde!

Bis bald!

DSC_7034 2.jpg



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Wow! Admittedly, I don't know a lot about cars... However, I know enough to recognize a classy beauty when I see it! Even in her old age! I just love that font on the back, I think it says "Powerflite." They just don't make 'em like that any more! Great pics!

Thank you so much, Denise!
Yes, I saw that "Powerflite" lettering und first thought thats the model, but then saw the "Firedome" writing on the side and Google told me that "Powerflite" is the automatic transmission it it. You see, I'm not the great connoisseur either. 😄

top! bin ich glatt bissl neidisch :)

Entlang der Route 66 stehen so viele dieser alten Schätzchen herum. Das gehört da ein bisschen zur Deko, aber der begnadete Bastler könnte da schon was finden, wo er Hand anlegen könnte.

glaub ich Dir gern ... wenn man solche Bilder sieht, bekommt man direkt Lust wieder bissl rumzuschrauben :)

Nice Picture and treasure it.
Welcome and nice to meet you.
Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks

love old cars!

what a waste ... one day there will be an option to turn it in to an electric car :)

voted and resteemed

Thanks a lot, Mick! :)
There will be others following! These "sleeping beauties" where a bit everywhere along the road.

Oh, she has beautiful lines, even in her decay. I have to agree with your assessment of 1955 DeSoto Firedome. It fits the description perfectly!

Thank you so much, Denise, also for confirming the model. I first wrote "DeSoto Powerflite", but then learned that Powerflite is the name of the automatic transmission in it.

Very cool shot this classic has seen better days but if the right car lover got hold of it it could return to its looks and style but even now it still makes for great shots

There are so many of those "sleeping beauties" along Route 66 and most are part of the roadside-attractions, from which most are also ruins, saying all the same thing: This road had seen better times...

Interesting, its a route I would love to travel myself someday

@pipurilla Very Good Post . I Really Liked it

Thank you! :)

You are followed...keep steeming...steemit the best

Thanks to you! :)

;-) hope some rich Steemer sees this and restores it! And then posts about the project.

I would for sure upvote and resteem that post! 😄

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