Yay! A new baby Malachite Sunbird in the Apple Valley!

Maiden flight of this baby Sunbird and he made his first appearance on stage today in our garden today!

A couple of weeks ago, I found and posted their nest and since then I have kept a watch. At times there were rain storms and strong winds, but here you can see that these little beauties were safe in the nest. There's 2 of them, but the other one has not yet emerged from the nest!
Let me show this tiny brave one to you!

Yep! Like all babies he screams for food and his mommy looks very patient!

As in the first picture and just like the big Hadeda Ibis youngsters, this one also exercises his little wings!

Mommy continues to check on him and every time he sees her, he thinks she arrived with take-aways!

A small insect flew by and this little tyke took a try at it. Of course he missed. What self respecting insect would want to be caught by a little guy fresh out of the nest!

Mommy arrived again and he screamed; "Mommy, I want a hamburger"!

Oh! At last, mommy brought him something to eat, but I couldn't see what she brought!

We were delighted to see this little blessing. I also made an amazing discovery about the kind of food that mommy brings to feed them, but that will have to wait for another post. Rest assured that you will also be amazed at what they feed the youngsters. It was indeed a wonderful day and now to wait for the second one to make his/her appearance.

We hope you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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Those are amazing photos. We have lots in our garden but I've yet to see fledglings - I have found the abandoned nests - and didn't realise how yellow they would be. Thanks for sharing.

@fionasfavorites My pleasure to share Lady Fiona, they are fast growers and a day or two, this little one will look like an adult. It's also amazing how predators keep an eye as today I had to scare a black Cape Crow away. Blessings!

@papilloncharity wow😍 Amazing, in my area (aceh) I often see that bird, and the bird seems to have some kind of beautiful colors one of them like in your photography..

@deltasteem Thank you my friend and the mother is the female of the Malachite. The male is a variety of green colors and he is beautiful. Blessings!

Congratulations! Your post was selected by the @dropahead Curation Team (dCT)

Those are really great shots! Did you hide yourself to be able to get them? Or you just waited still to allow the birds to get used to your presence?

Thanks for sharing. Best regards.

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@joelsegovia Thank you to you and @dropahead! The trick is to find their cleverly hidden nests. Then to keep track of the movements at the nest and once feeding starts then I know that there is babies in the nest. Of course all of this takes place unobtrusively. We have made our garden bird friendly by planting Pincushion bushes and we have a very large Granadilla bush next to the house that offers them safety from predators. I count the weeks once they start to feed at the nest and then I try to be ready more or less for the appearance of the babies. Of course if they sense my presence or any other danger, they will simply abandon the nest! Distance and patience is required! Thank you once again! Blessings!

wow Beautiful photograph of baby Malachite Sunbird.
It is beautiful.. i like this bird.. This bird has a long and beautiful beak.

Thank you my friend. Their long beak is designed to suck nectar from tubular flowers! Blessings!

Gorgeous photography, accompanied with informative post. Life keeps giving the new little one will fly all too soon @papilloncharity

@joanstewart Amazingly the new one that came out today stays close to the Granadilla bush where the nest is, but the other little one that came out yesterday is already flying Lady Joan. I posted now about the second one that came out today (Sunday) Thank you and blessings!

@lizelle Thank you dear friend and the second one appeared today. Blessings!

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