Nature's Aerial Love Dance!

Is this where the saying; "Love is in the air" comes from?

Just thought that I would show you some foreplay by a Pin-tailed Whydah.
Enjoy the show with me!

He flashes and dances in the air to make his intentions known!

Now I will show him to you in his dress suit for the mating season!

Beautiful isn't he, with a tail to die for. As the mating season (Spring) approaches, he changes from a grey little bird into the full-blown beauty of a "Sixy", or King of Sixes as the locals call him. We have nicknamed him Sixy. Why?

Well this little guy collects not one, two or three wives, he collects a harem of six wives. His ladies stay near their nests in the day and he brings them one by one to come and eat. On rare occasions all of the ladies arrive at the same time and then Sixy goes ballistic, as he is a fierce warrior that protects his territory. These are my own observations!

To support my observations I hereby quote; "Often seen around homesteads in the country, in small parties, consisting perhaps of only one male and half a dozen plainly colored birds.....a very pugnacious species"
Taken from the "Roberts, Birds of South Africa" book.

I hope you have enjoyed the love dance and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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I laughed to my heart's content with the nickname you gave to that hard working fella 😂
He surely is someone of virtue for being able to handle such a big tail and such a big family😂

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Thank you and you are correct in saying that he has to handle a big family. Soon the babies will be born, his tail will fall of and live will return to normal until the next Spring season. Blessings!

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According to our quality standards(1), your publication has reached an score of 82%.

Well said Gabriel García Marquez: "One learns to write by writing" Keep trying, you will soon achieve excellence!

(1) @dropahead's quality standards:

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- Images source and their usage license

Just, outstanding. Some absolute stunners.

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Thank you my friend and glad that you liked the post! Blessings!

Timing, precision photography to capture him dancing, a handsome little fellow that has huge attitude for such a small bird.

Serves him right having six wives arriving at the same time, taking him into a tail spin.... Grin and bear it!

A little soldier indeed Lady Joan, he attacks anything in the garden, even doves and rock pigeons. It's so great to see him when one of his wives' arrive, as he dances and leads them to the spot where he wants them to eat. When he thinks that she's eaten enough he will attack her and chase her all the way back to the big clump of trees where they nest! Blessings!

Another wonderful story.
What kind of bird is that @papilloncharity?

Blessed weekend!

Thank you Lady Joy. He is a "Pin-tailed Whydah". Check him out on Google if you like! Blessings!

Ohhhhh I like the long tailed one... A Pin-tailed Whydah? And the poor female has comparatively 'no tail'? SIX wives??? Arrogant lil thing, isn't he...??? :D :D

@ackhoo Arrogant he is indeed my dear friend. He guards our garden as his own and even attacks pigeons if they dare to come and sit while his wives are eating. Sadly very soon his tail will also fall off after the mating season and all of his wives will disappear. Until next Spring season, then his tail will grow back again and he will have a new set of wives! Blessings!

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