Helooo! Happy Friday Steemies!steemCreated with Sketch.


Pleased to meet you and my name is Emu because I'm an Emu bird hahaha!

I have posted some of these pictures before, but they are too cute not to post again. These animals are kept on a farm in the country and as you will see, some of them serve a dual service.
Let's have a gander!


My wife says that I have a sexy smile!


Imagine, some lady called me an ostrich and another said that I am some sort of a turkey hahaha.


And here we have the ship of the desert, a Camel!


But he loves his part time job as a children taxi.

As I said, because they are so cute I decided to share them in the hope that it will brighten up your Friday.
This world is so full of doom and gloom and most of the media focus on violent stories to increase their sales figures, but there is still a degree of innocence that is also present and you and I can contribute by displaying our own peace to the world. It is the seeds that we sow today that will grow into better tomorrows!
Think about it!

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Hey wern't you guys on TSU too?

Yes indeed we were.
Still the same charity doing the same work and now in our 18th year.

Emu birds have always fascinated me.
When I was as a kid, a farm next to where I lived used to have emus. One time where we went there, I approached the enclosure where the emus were located in, and believe it or not, one emu got close to my face and took my glasses from my nose. They were two in the enclosure and one of the emu brought my glasses to the ground and with the other emu they stepped on it. Needless to say, I was crying and very traumatized from what had just happened:P One guy at the farm managed to get my glasses back and luckily my glasses made it with very little damage;)

Oh my... that's a huge head... lol

A huge head indeed my friend!

Hahaha... Happy weekend to you!

Surely the have brighten this Friday!

Good, that's exactly what I wanted to do!

Emus and camels how cool is that loved this post ;)

Thank you JJ and I am glad to see that the camels are treated well.

yes I have heard some horror stories about camels in some countries

Great post for friday!
Ostrich has a very funny expression. :)
How many children a camel rolls at once! They are so happy.

Thank you and glad that you enjoyed the post my friend!


Posted using Partiko iOS

A great way to describe it my friend!

Agree with media being negative all the time, good to read and see positive happy stories Stephen.

We are of the same mind Lady Joan, the flood of negativity creates extra depression.
Positivity is the way to go!

Animals' cuteness never failed to amaze me <3 I really wanted to hug a camel if I can, lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha, easy to hug a camel my friend, come to South Africa Lol

first photograph is awesome. Emu bird is largest among all the birds..
Awesome photographs..

Thank you my friend!
In fact an Ostrich is the largest bird!
Here's a picture of some!


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