A welcoming party at our new home!steemCreated with Sketch.

Look what was waiting for us at our new home!

As I pulled our car into the driveway of our new home, some movement amongst the flowers along the sides of the back garden caught my eye. I pulled out the camera and look what I got. A pair of Citrus Butterflies (Papillon's) were cavorting amongst the flowers and I think they were a mating pair. Another surprise also awaited us at the front door!
But let me show you!


My first time to get two of them together, as the norm always shows single butterflies!


This is the female, as she was smaller than her partner!


And this is the male, also in the first picture!

Now have a look what was happening at the front door of our new place!


Baby wasps in the process of leaving the nest!


Here you can see a new born clinging precariously to the roof awning!

We are now renting a pace that is about 800 meters from the ocean and so we are much closer to the sea. The good thing is that the mountains are also close by and so I feel that we have the best of both worlds. Although I hasten to say that we miss the solitude and the peace of the apple farm. The town is much noisier, but another good thing is that there is a very big poor area with lots of needy people that need our charity work.


Congratulations! Your post was selected by the @dropahead Curation Team (dCT)

Some butterflies and wasps to say hello, I like the contrast that those two beautiful species have :)
I hope you can get your internet connection asap. Best regards.

@dropahead - Supporting your STEEM adventure

Quality review by the dropahead Curation Team

According to our quality standards(1), your publication has reached an score of 88%.

Well said Gabriel García Marquez: "One learns to write by writing" Keep trying, you will soon achieve excellence!

(1) @dropahead's quality standards:

- Graphic relation to the text (Choice of images according to the text)
- Order and coherence
- Style and uniqueness (Personal touch, logic, complexity, what makes it interesting and easy to understand for the reader)
- Images source and their usage license

Thank you for the help my friend and all blessings to you!

Beautiful butterflies and wasps that sting like crazy is they in a bad mood.

Ocean and mountains close at hand to escape town more frequently Stephen, noise will be a problem after solitude of the farm, nothing beats getting away from the cities so I wish you and Marian well with Troy in the new home.

@joanstewart Good to see you here Lady Joan and I presume you know that we do not have an internet connection yet? I am using this laptop to post in a public place, which is never a good idea security wise, but I have to as there's no other option. Sadly I cannot access Discord here and it will have to wait until next week when I am back on the desktops. Blessings and a great thank you for your support!

wow beautiful butterfly....
Awesome photographs.
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Thank you y friend and my Discord is closed until next week. As soon at it is restored I will have a look! Blessings!

Stunning butterflies, what a welcome to your new home! At least you can go for walks on the beach now, good luck with your work in new fields :)

Thank you for the kind support Lady Lizelle I am still off discord due to o connection but hopefully should be connected again by Tuesday!

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