6 Shots of Planes and the Moon!steemCreated with Sketch.

And of course I have kept the best picture for last!

From time to time the small boy inside me still gets the urges to concentrate on a selected item for photography that I like. Very much like a child's growing up fancies such as one day it's cricket then at another time it's football, or hockey, that changes into a fancy for swimming. Very much experimenting, which normally costs a parent a packet for the different kits.
Well, that experimental phase has never left me and today I am still hooked on it.
Here's some photos about one of my fancies!

And of course the one below that I view as my best one!

You are welcome to pick the one that you like best! I have already picked the last one.

I have many other plane and moon and also plane and sun photos that I have taken over time and depending on the response to this post I can post some others at some time.
The photos were taken mostly over the past 3 years and I have also posted some of them, on my Facebook page.

NOTE: No Photoshop, or any of the other editing programs were used to edit these photos and they were only downsized for uploading purposes. All photos are my own.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Last photo steals the show, leave the best to last!

Amazing what one can achieve when the moon is out to play Stephen.

Thank you Lady Joan and oh yes, the moon definitely leaves herself open to exploitation.

They are all great shots but that last one is spectacular, Ican see why it is your favorite

Thank you JJ, we used to live about 20 something kilometers away from the airport and frequently saw planes coming and going. The last photo was taken in a park when I was discussing some issues with 3 other guys. Blessings!

That was convenient to live so close to the airport and made for some awesome shots

A lot of waiting my friend and also a lot of disappointments, but the effort is really worth it!

yes these shots do so it is truly worth it they are exceptional

I love the last one too. It's more dynamic and because of the heat coming out of the jets.

Thank you and oh yeah, it made a spectacular sight!

Amazing shots! Rather surreal!
You must live by an airport to be able to capture shots like that or is it just getting yourself into the right location at the right time?
I agree with you I like the last one best but the first one was pretty impressive too!

Thank you, as I explained to @tattoodjay, we lived about 20 plus kilometers away from an airport and saw many planes coming and going. The trick was to wait for one that flied in the vicinity of the moon.
The last one was a lucky shot!

Wow! Those are some cool shots, and a very interesting "niche" to pursue! I do like that last one, too... it looks like something you'd find in a travel magazine. Nicely done!

Thank you and amazing niches that we pass through in life my friend. One period it's butterflies, another is dragonflies, then cloud shots, bird shots, sunsets and so on.
Glad that you liked it!

I am going for the last one as well. It looks amazing!

Thank you and a good choice!

wow beautiful photographs of planes. i think air port is near to your home..haha
Last photograph is awesome sir..

Thank you and it used to be not too far away at the place where we used to live my friend.

Way cool idea! Yes, my favorite is that last one too 😍

Glad you liked it my friend!

I really like the second one.... not sure why that one jumps out at me. maybe the way the plane is positioned compared to the moon :-)

Thank you friend, to each his own and glad that you liked it!

Some of them are a bit blurry, but it has got to be last one that is top notch

Thank you! Sun and distances affect the clarity between the plane and the moon my friend.
If I get the plane clear, then the moon is blurred and visa versa and so I have to settle for a medium between the two.
Glad that you liked the last one!

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