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RE: The Photographer in Us All

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

great pos @johleen and he was indeed a master. Thanks for sharing with on STREETPHOTO and I really like your own selection here. Just goes to show the camera is not the main element... it's the eye / mind / fingers !

really like the getaway he's just a jogger isn't he ! but I like your creative attribute. it's true we are all photographers and the attempt to capture with a box what we see is a reflection of our inner worlds ! keep posting
100 % upvoted

next post MaAAAn RAAAAAY


Haha! Thanks very much!

Yes just a jogger! Actually I found that image rather boring until I decided to give it that title. Just goes to show how much our perceptions can be fuelled with a little imagination.

I keep thinking that I should start getting into using proper cameras... but with the iphone X coming out soon I think I will just be investing in that instead. I like the simplicity of being able to snap wherever I am with my phone.

I think you should get a proper camera. the phone cameras are great but really limited in terms of the lens ! you could get a lumix dlsr or a cheap nikon dslr with a kit lens, then you could start picking up cheap lenses and you will be amazed what happens :)

the titling is very interesting.. It wasn't until I looked carefully that I saw the jogger.. when I read the title, he was on the run from something.. perceptions can be altered. the camera can lie, so can the photographer by cropping, editing and adding words. good work !

ooooh I feel a christmas wish list coming on! I think part of me feels that using an iphone is so much more inconspicuous... maybe I need to build up my confidence a bit (especially with street photography) and just bite the bullet and get a camera.

I'm gonna check out your recommendations - cheers!

this is a great camera.. my London bridge shots were all taken with it. It really needs a viewfinder though and i think one of the reasons I'd recommend a proper camera is the ability to frame with your eye, not the screen.. you can buy a video viewfinder to go with it.. a must really ! it's 12mp but the sensor is very good quality so it's not like a 12mp phone camera ! (the format is micro 4/3rds) which is a 4:3 image ratio and there are lots of interchangeable 4/3 lenses available

here's an amazing entry level DSLR

I've got one of these and it's a joy to use. once you start experimenting with different lenses, it is a such a good little workhorse and it's 24mp (good DX sensor), it's a not full frame 35mm equivalent FX sensor but bigger than the lumix and the images can be cropped / printed large with no fuss !

editing.. photoshop. I've been using it for so long ! It's an amazing tool.
I also use Capture NX-D which is a free RAW editor from Nikon. very powerful and once you take RAW you'll be amazed at what you can do. other editing tool is IRFANVIEW.. it's a free image editor and has excellent batch tools for resizing, is an excellent default image viewer and you can perform simple crops and adjustments with it. there are other things too, I use stacking software for astrophotography but that's another story !!

ooh those are good prices. I was having a quick check on Amazon and they all seemed to be over £300.

Ah photoshop... I've been avoiding it. It looks very complicated ha! I have been mostly using ipad apps like Enlight or Snapseed for my editing.

RAW is another thing I need to learn all about!

I think I shall have to set aside some time each week to really start working towards the next level of understanding with all this. Thanks so much for all the info, much appreciated!

we've all got to start somewhere. there are millions of apps for processing imagery, it's what you feel comfortable with. Perhaps buying a second hand camera which is a good quality one may be better than buying a cheaper new one ? RAW is next level ... but it's a whole new dimension :) you'll get there

btw what are your favourite editing tools?

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