
Hehe... wearing glasses too.

Had an interesting conversation with my Sensei today about seeing and memorizing things. I was "complaining", that often I find it difficult to memorize a certain move. He said, its because of my work. My eye is trained to memorize and see things in pictures which don't move... he is a wise man, so it must be true 😉

I can spot a detail that interests me from a mile away 😎

@oldtimer & @reinhard-schmid …As an avid connoisseur of passion-relevant detail, I must assume that you gents are referring to Eve’s toenail polish (it was the first thing I noticed, hehe…) - as I see no evidence of fingernail polish at all.

Am I correct in this assumption mates, or am I missing something?

BTW, I do find it aesthetically preferential when all 20 marvelous digits are beautifully lacquered in kind… …hint-hint Miss Eve… ;)

Not missing the point at all and your comment is splendid! With a language as refined and polished as the Lady's beautiful toe nails.

Noble preference I see. You are obviously a man of exquisite taste. Of course... because you wouldn't be here otherwise.

May I invite you, with Eve's permission, to take a look at this detail of my painting "LadySkates"


Thank you for the kind and noble reply Reinhardt. It pleases me greatly to know I was right on the mark!

I’m am quite certain that Miss Eve will be nothing short of thrilled & inspired upon sharing your exquisite rendition of the rather profound and quite sensual “Lady-Skates.”

Where might one obtain a print? A very fine portrait indeed @reinhard-schmid … A very fine portrait indeed!

Being an artist as well, along with being a rather ardent lover of all things feminine and sensual – the only minor change that I might consider making to this brilliantly stroked illustration of beauty and desire would be to ever-so-gently “round-out” your models heel, which is of course - most magnificently perched upon that dangerously descending gold-leafed platform of primal seduction – otherwise known heretofore as “LadySkates.”

I need not even attempt to speculate upon that which the rising twisted tassel may artistically represent, the element which emanates rather proudly from the base of LadySkates toes…

Perhaps as the fine artist/creator of this intense masterpiece - and solely at your personal and professional discretion of course, if you are so inclined, perhaps you may wish to embellish us with a bit more about it, and elaborate on some of the finer details of the painting that we may be overlooking…

Thank you for sharing my friend… I’m certain that @eveuncovered will be inspired every which way from Sunday, and she’ll be smiling ear-to-ear upon reading this thread… :)

Anyone reading this will be smiling for sure, as the true masterpiece here is your writing!! And I certainly hope @eveuncovered won't be indignant about this extra branch of distraction from her delightful post ;-)

Following you is the only feasible way of instant response for me and I am looking forward to enjoy more of your brilliantly woven lace of words tomorrow.

I am most inconsolable for it being to late already to fully reply on a level you might find satisfying.

However, may I, with my unreserved apologies for the inconvenience implied, suggest, that you consider taking a look at a post I wrote on the subject a few days ago, which shows the complete picture at a higher resolution accompanied by some humble bits of information?

I most certainly did so Sir Reinhardt!

Thank you for pointing me in the proper direction!

I would be remiss not to redirect all those who are so inclined to explore this splendid masterpiece further - to refer to said post and all of the comments therein, all of which were quite satisfying to say the very least.

What is this talk about my phalanges without me!? ;D My finger nails are almost never painted because I work as a chef and baker, so there is that.

Hmmm… Although I’d very much enjoy licking your fingers after preparing an exceptionally tasty treat – I think I’d rather find you another career that will foster the ultimate pampering of all your lovely appendages… Any ideas on what your “Dream-Job” may be… I have a few… he-he… ;)

I checked your posts. Now I know why. Man, you're a real artist. The reverse glass painting? Great! I'll follow you but I really don't want to spam in the comment section under your posts. I don't want to be smart.

Thank you :-)

Not sure I understand what you mean by "I really don't want to spam..", as I certainly wouldn't want to do that either.

As an artist, a certain amount of chaos doesn't scare me and if you have something that may interest me or the visitors of my posts, you are welcome to add a hint under the posts on my page/blog anytime.

I did get a bit uneasy about this thing here becoming a bit "extravagant" on "someon else's" post, although I enjoyed the conversation. I'm led to believe, that @eveuncovered and @passion-ground are friends and that she won't come in any moment with a stick to silence her scallywags.

She did however, give me her kind permission to add my art to my comments here. Thank you very much again for that @eveuncovered 🌹

Cool. Thanks.

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