NSPART - A Serious Question "Should I keep posting Nudes, and Erotic Photography on Steemit or Not?"

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hello Fellow Steemians,

I came to Steemit for 2 reasons...

  1. One was because I heard I could make money.

  2. Because it was Uncensored and I could post nudes.

When I first came here I posted nudes and was heavily attacked by what I called the puritan crowed. I was very upset by this because I was following all rules and they were downvoting me which is unfair in my opinion because if they talk about Jesus or Mohammad I'm not going to down vote them or censor them and I had heard this whole Blockchain thing was about freedom.

I lost my temper due to being under a lot of financial stress at the time and outed some people for their constant down vote attacks, some of them using multiple accounts. Anyway during that that time I said somethings I rather I had not said and lost a lot of the initial support I received. But I didn't come here to fight and be hassled I came here to make money from my passion which is photography and some of that includes erotic art, erotic photography, art nudes.

I of course shoot other things as well but my art leans to the Erotic, Sensual, Sexual. I'm just a very sexual person, I authored a Ebook on sexual performance and techniques, years ago and sold 10,000 copies, did radio interviews. To me sex and the human body is the same as any other natural aspects of life. So it's easy for me to forget others do not share the same view. So while I did come here to show and share that side of my work, I also came here to make money.

And as smart business person (telling the uncompromising artist in me to STFU) , it's good business to give your viewers/followers what they want to see most. So that leads me to this post and question.

"Should I keep posting Nudes, and Erotic Photography on Steemit or Not?"

I have spent over 1 year on Steemit and if there is one thing I have learned is you end up spending a lot more time than you think you will and I already spend a lot of time on each and every picture I post. So I need to make as much from each post as possible so I can keep shooting and posting.

So I want to know what gets upvotes and gets high percentage votes on posts of mine. In short what do you like and love and want to see more of?

While I love shooting nudes and erotic... I also love shooting swimwear, and artistic fashion, making composites (but they are a ton of work), I even wanted to make more story like and themes and mix that with Erotic.

But I have been seeing a trend lately that my nudes and erotic are not doing very well only around $15 and others that are sexy but wearing clothes are doing over $100.

So is it the nudity or the model?

Because my work is fairly consistent. Maybe Steemit is not the Venue for nude an erotic art, so that's what I'm trying to determine.

So my goal now is to the give my following what they want to see and will Upvote well, so I can do really well on here and then bring on other people to Steemit by showing them my page as an example.

This will allow me to focus most of my time on what I know people want to see and will not only please my audience but also bring me the greatest financial benefit, which will in turn fund my art and photography and allow me to do even higher production value shoots.

So I want to ask my followers the following questions:

  1. Would you Upvote Non-Nude Posts more?

  2. Do you like my nudes but just don't Upvote them?

  3. Do you like my implied nudes where the model is nude but your can't see anything?

  4. Tell me what you want to see more off?

Also I'm going also ask you to ask me any other question that you might have about my work as I want to do a post where I answer peoples questions every so often about my work.



I'd feel weird not including a few pictures and some implied nudes (No full nudity) :)








Copyright Notice: All Images on this and any of my post are copyrighted by me Nico Simon Princely and registered with the U.S. Copyright office. All rights reserved. You DO NOT have permission to use or post any of my images without written consent from me. Do to so is copyright infringement and is subject to $150,000 in statutory damages per occurrence under U.S. Copyright Law. You may resteem the post.

Please Upvote, Follow, and Resteem if you view my work and want to see more of it and if you don't want to vote on something NSFW but want to keep viewing my work please go Upvote one of my Non-NSFW images to support my work, thanks.

What Goes In To My Work/Art:

For those that don't know, I spend a lot of time on all of my photos, unlike camera phone pictures, or quick snap shots. For any shoot there is model selection, planning, equipment setup, the shoot which is usually several hours where I shoot several hundred photos, then there is equipment tear down, choosing the best images which takes a couple of hours, color grading/correction, and then I spend sometimes an hour or two on a single image retouching and creating the final look, then resizing and watermarking for the web, even my Polaroids have to be scanned in, cropped, have the dust removed, resized and watermarked, so to the people that think I'm just posting a pic or two they are not seeing all of the work that goes into that picture they are looking at.

With advanced photo-manipulation and composites that can add many more hours of work. And what also makes these images possible is the years I have spent learning my craft, the $10,000+ in equipment + the Studio I was paying for that sadly I no longer have, and the model and Makeup Artist (when I use one) are either paid or get additional pictures which means more work for me, none of this is cheap or free it's a lot of work that I do because I love creating beautiful images.

I added this to my posts because it seems that people no longer value professional photography or understand what goes into it regarding, time, expense, etc... And some feel a camera phone picture of a ham sandwich or a selfie has equal value regardless of the difference in production time and cost. Almost every professional photographer I know has been adversely affected by the devaluation of professional photography due to mass proliferation of camera phones and the perception that all photos are created equally, so I try my best to educate people on what goes into what we do.

If you want to have Beautiful Women & Erotic Photography in your feed everyday then make sure to Follow Me, Upvote, Resteem and tell your friends about me because Your Votes and Support fund my photoshoots.

I'm also available for hire for commissioned work, commercial work and shoots for private collectors.

For those of you that would prefer to anonymously support my work rather than vote on an erotic image you can either send me Steem or SBD to @nspart or Bitcoin to 1EVqgb37LjmVDYQcjvNXTqy2yTCb11X3pB

You can also support my photography and art by buying me items from my wishlist on Amazon at the link below...

Support My Photography/Art - Wish List
Link: http://a.co/h5gRjuM



Some of my other Recent and Still Active Posts that feature my Digital Photography Please Visit, Upvote and Resteem to support my continued posting...

NSPART - Fashion Shot with the Beautiful Nikola Weiterova IFBB Bikini Fitness Competitor - Part 5 (Color & Black & White) - Another Steemit First Post!
12-17-2017 8-08-27 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another shoot with Kristy - Nude/Erotic Series (No nudity in this post) - In Color & Black & White- Multiple Images - Part 1
12-17-2017 11-11-22 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another Fashion Shot with the Beautiful Nikola Weiterova IFBB Bikini Fitness Competitor - Part 6 (Color & Black & White) - Also... Do you have a question about my photography and art? - Another Steemit First Post!
12-18-2017 6-34-07 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another Fashion Shot with the Beautiful Nikola Weiterova IFBB Bikini Fitness Competitor - Part 6 (Color & Black & White) - Also... Do you have a question about my photography and art? - Another Steemit First Post!
12-21-2017 2-00-29 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another shoot with Kristy - (NSFW - Nudity) - In Color & Black & White- Multiple Images - Part 2
12-21-2017 2-00-48 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another Swimwear shot with the 7 Time International Playmate, the very sexy and beautiful CJ Sparxx (Color and Black & White) - Another Steemit First Post!
12-21-2017 2-01-07 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another Modling Portfolio Shot with Stefanie (in Color and Black & White) - Another Steemit First Post!
12-21-2017 2-22-02 PM.jpg

NSPART - Erotic Art Photography with Yuni Kaye in the Shower Revisited in a series in Color and Black & White (NSFW - Erotic Photography - Nudity - Multiple Images - Another Steemit First Post!
12-22-2017 9-17-27 PM.jpg

NSPART - A Serious Question "Should I keep posting Nudes, and Erotic Photography on Steemit or Not?"
12-22-2017 9-17-45 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another Modeling Portfolio Shot with Stefanie (Color and Black & White) and an Update on my next shoot with her! - Another Steemit First Post!
12-23-2017 4-33-15 PM.jpg

NSPART - Another Fashion Shot with the Beautiful Nikola Weiterova IFBB Bikini Fitness Competitor - Part 7 (Color & Black & White) - Also... Do you have a question about my photography and art? - Another Steemit First Post!
12-23-2017 6-05-44 PM.jpg

NSPART - A Few Words and Some Sexy Girls with Candy Canes - Multiple Images (Implied Lingerie, Implied Nude)
12-25-2017 4-11-40 AM.jpg


Wow! Amazing shots!

I love your work both nude and non-nude. The effort you are putting it should be rewarded. I think over time you will start to get more of a following. This next year we are going to see a bunch more people pile in. We tend to get caught up in the ROI of our efforts. Well when you look at this as a long game and that STEEM should be worth $500 or more in time then the effort today is magnified. I would mix my efforts if the fashion shots earn more than the nudes then keep posting them. I enjoy your nude work and think your work is awesome. You show the beauty of the body so thank you!

Thank you very much. Sometimes I feel like even when it goes up, people just adjust he vote power down and I'm stuck here at this level.

Just keep posting and don't worry about the rewards. If you focus on them you will get stuck. Use busy.org to get an extra vote using the #busy this is one way to stack things in your way. In time the millions and millions of people will be here and we will look back and say remember when STEEM felt empty... lol Just think 5 years out and where those little few cents of steem and sbd you got have grown and grown. I am not taking anything out until steem hits over $10 and that is still so low compared to where it will go when a billion people find there way to this blockchain. I just look at all the prices right now as if they are 10x and smile.

Thanks. But I can't do what you're doing. I'm using this income to pay my bills.

I hope you are keeping some for the future... have you started to sale any of your prints for SBD or STEEM?
You could invite each model to join steem and vote for you :) Also you could consider doing some work for some opensource projects and post on utopian.io they have Really big vote and you could donate some of your creativity to a cool project you like and get rewards for it outside of what you are already doing. There are also a few photography apps and I heard of a new Vice SMT should be coming out soon and that could reward you for your work and give you a ton of rewards. I reblogged a post on the Vice coin https://steemit.com/steem/@honeydew2002/very-important-first-smt-vice-token-happens-january-3rd I think your work is going to make you more way more money than your bills.... enjoy the ride. :)

Of course I will upvote any nude pictures you upload since looking at pictures can't turn me on..it's your post and you have no reason why you shouldn't post anything on here that will earn you upvote and smile at the end of 7days when you get paid..have fun and keep posting. You have my support

You're welcome and I will be glad to share your posts on my blog with your permission if that's okay by you and I will always visit your blog time to time..kindly follow me and show me some love on my blog and their are things you might learn from there.thanks

Feel free to resteem my posts. I'll check yours out and follow you.

its because a LOT of users on here are uncomfy upvoting nsfw..i have people on here who REFUSE to upvote my posts even though I know they like them because..their wife/girlfriend and fellow steemians would see it and they don't want to be seen as using steemit "that way" WHICH SUCKS!!!
if you're just in it for the $$ and nudes aren't making you $$ then fuck it!
I post nudes cos altho I do this for income I also do adultwork period to promote positive sexuality. Basically try and normalize it so people don't feel SHAME for upvoting me!!! [ugh!!]

I think that's the ticket. The more it's normalized in this space and the more Steemit users there are by default, things will eventually look better for all involved. Keep it up @nspart even if it's not your full time gig, at least keep your presence here, it's valuable!

reaaly great sharing

I've always wonder how it was going for you. I see you post ,but to me it seems you weren't getting so much out of it based on the effort. How are things going ?

Doing better this last week because of SBD. But out side of that Steemit has been a lot of work with low ROI for me. I wish I had more support because I put 100% into all of it. The good news is I have used my Steem and SBD to start trading Crypto full time and until the crash today has been going pretty good.

Nice creature : the women .... Oh yes

Why not post both, fashion & nudes? I see no problem, only that some steemians may be afraid of upvoting, since the blockchain is public, but this should not be a problem for most of us, since we are here for an uncensored social media experience.

The problem is the amount of time Vs. Money. It's not fun to work for 2 hours on an image and then have it make $15, when in the same two hours if I could work on something that makes $50 to $100. It's a lot of work. To make nudes look like mine do take works as the skin requires more retouching than clothing most of the time.

For example this post I just did, was a lot of work... and has made about $14 and most of the time a post will get the majority of it's votes in he first 24 hours. I hope he does better but generally they just sit there.


This post worth more than it got right now in fact it should set a record of the most viewed and upvote with the time and work you invested on it to put it together..had it been the voting icon is hidden, am sure it must have gotten more upvote's than where it is now..keep posting better days are coming

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