Thursday Macrophotography Challenge : Cosmetics 化妝品

in #photography6 years ago

This is my entry of Juliank's Thursday Macrophotography. This week I took pictures of cosmetics :-) I don't have much and in fact I only have very slight make up when go to work. Well, I think no make up is also ok, but a little bit make up can make a mood of "going out" :P

這是星期四的JULIANK 微距攝影日,今天我拍了一點點化妝品。其實我也沒有很多,來來去去都是那兩三款。工作也不用化妝也可以,但我還是會塗一點點,有點「外出」的感覺XD


Camera : Sony XA1 Plus
Software : Snapseed

Two way eye shadow and lip gloss

Eye shadow 眼影

Lip gloss 唇彩

Nail polish 指甲油

My Previous Photography


nice photography dear ! keep up this good work. best wishes for your photography. and your camera is just too good.

it's really amazing photography. your camera really good.

I don't know much about make up but in my opinion it makes facial expressions more attractive and it helps shining in shining of face. I hope that you will enjoy your day. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂



Macro is like different worlds! Is it really done with your phone? Wow! I had few Sony Xperias with software of "great" cameras inside but never managed to do such a photos with them. Well, maybe it's just an instrument and in hands of professional anything becomes bliss.

Small makeup for outside is nice option sometimes :) but I also think no make up is okay 👌😂

I like macro and mini things, like my name 🤣 I bought a mini lens with clip, made for smartphone camera, just attach on phone and shot 💃 Unexpected nice result! Causal shooting with normal light is nice I think, I seldom bring my digital camera out now:p Night view is not satisfied, I usually ask friends shot for me by iPhone or Samsung.. :( (but I like Japanese brand, so stick with Sony…😂😂)

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