
Ever find it interesting that there are no species around that link the Apes to Mankind? If we evolved from Apes, then why are Apes still around, but all the geological evidence of intermediate species between Ape and Man is not present? Evolution says that at some point, a particular species evolved into another one, but that the original species still went on. (In other words, we still see bacteria, fish, etc….they didn’t all evolve to the higher form). So what happened to all the cave men, neanderthals, etc. that we supposedly evolved from? Why do they not still exist today and where is the evidence of them ever existing at all, yet all these other species in the chain of species still exist? Face it, the whole evolutionary "THEORY" is basically; if given enough time a garbage heap will assemble it's self into an operating fully functional 747 Jet Liner? Ridiculous... That’s not science, it’s a foolish indoctrinated theory in belief that one must adhere to in schools and colleges of today in order to be accepted in the absence of the findings in Creation.

It's difficult to tell sarcasm from true belief on the internet - Poe's Law

But I'll treat it as though you were serious. (Let me know if you're actually just trolling! :) )

There's a great deal of fossil species showing how humans and chimpanzees evolved.

Also you fundamentally misunderstand evolution.
and more specifically:
Human evolution

Sorry those aren't the shortest articles available but they should give you a good grasp of what the scientific consensus is.

Where are the cavemen, neanderthals, homo erectus etc? They are dead. You can see their bones if you visit a museum that has them on display.

You attempt to conflate the colloquial definition of theory (a guess or supposition) with the definition of a scientific theory :

A scientific theory is an explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can, in accordance with the scientific method, be repeatedly tested, using a predefined protocol of observations and experiments.[1][2] Established scientific theories have withstood rigorous scrutiny and are a comprehensive form of scientific knowledge.

Also, a garbage heap, perhaps left over from a exploding star, can very well become a 747, a human, a grain of sand, evidence for that is literally everywhere.

However, I do suspect, as you ended your post with a capitalized "Creation" the only source you believe in is a bible, and this post is a wasted effort. How many versions of that book exist?

Actually the "bible" is a corruption of the very word from our Creator (Torah), but close enough to show that you get my drift.

Many of those articles found in museums have been proven to be fraudulent as they are proved to be like maybe the tooth of a swine or similar. And the cyclic justification in which the geology proves the artifact and the artifact proves the geology is just silly.

Anyone can find a chip of bone or tooth and surmise what it might be or even label it as such. But that is considered fraud and is a crime against Mankind.

So you have your indoctrination and I have my beliefs and one of us has to be wrong. More and more evidence is being found which supports the ancient Torah narrative of Creation, but it is all circumvented, squashed and covered up. Less the truth be found out then catholicism would go bankrupt and professors careers would get ruined.

Indoctrination, are you sure you're applying that word correctly?

the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
"I would never subject children to religious indoctrination"

Not my example but it fits.

Science is constantly being refined as new discoveries are made, and old knowledge examined and reexamined.

You have new evidence, and more and more of it, that supports the Torah version of Creation?
Why not cite it?

Understanding Torah comes with much study and great sacrifice. I can no more help you to understand it than I could a swine the 6:00 News. It is beyond your ability to comprehend...

I'm certain it's well within my ability to comprehend.

I asked for evidence, which you professed to have, not to be insulted.

So, where is this evidence that proves your claim?

Well that would be the way that you would want to have it, but the Author has a much different requirement Sir. One tidbit I might be able to get you to understand is that you think in metaphors, symbolism and abstract philosophies all of which are from the Hellenized Greecian persuation and such is alien and foreign to the literal concrete perspective of practical thinking which is known in Torah.

So your claim is devoid of evidence then. "Literal concrete" evidence, that's all I am asking for, not metaphor, symbolism or abstract philosophies.
Several posts later, you haven't cited a single source nor provide any proof.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
- Chirstopher Hitchens

Good job at presuming to speak for your god; but that's always been how it works hasn't it?