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RE: The Chimpanzee: Our closest living relative.

in #photography7 years ago

So your claim is devoid of evidence then. "Literal concrete" evidence, that's all I am asking for, not metaphor, symbolism or abstract philosophies.
Several posts later, you haven't cited a single source nor provide any proof.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
- Chirstopher Hitchens

Good job at presuming to speak for your god; but that's always been how it works hasn't it?


The evidence has always been the witness of the Authors and Scribes who have documented such testimony in Yahuah's Torah Echad. It is all recorded, but not all believed...

Ancient records are not sufficient to be called evidence. "Authors" and "Scribes" is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy, it's unwise to base an argument on such a week foundation. You did say you had new evidence that proves the Torah version of Creation (whatever that may be) accurate, but are unable to produce said evidence.

That would be according to your own will and not that put forth from Yahuah himself.

Would you have the same assertions toward the writings of those like Socrates or Aristotle? Your methods are biased as they are only used when they align with your desired narrative and perspective.

The foundation of which you speak is the very foundation in which all exists from, the big bang to the "g_d particle".

The new evidence is that which support Yahuah's Torah as being real and true. Things like the seal of King Hezekiah recently found on the temple mount, is just one example...

Yes, I would hold Socrates or Aristotle to the same logical rigor. However I would not expect such skilled logicians and philosophers to utilize a logical fallacy in their arguments.

The foundation I was referring to is your claim that since the "Authors and Scribes" wrote things down a long time ago, everything they wrote is true.

Does the Torah describe the Higgs boson? If it does, please tell me where.

How does the seal of a king count as evidence of the Torah version of Creation? One unrelated yet verified thing does not render the entirety of the body of work known as the Torah true.

Like I have already said it is beyond your reasoning as all you can see is western reasoning...

You just don't have any evidence to support your claim. Since there is nothing to support your claim, you grasp at anything to deflect from the fact that you can't prove it at all.
It's not about Western or Eastern reasoning.

@mweich you are mistaken Sir