Hawk Moth in Flight (8 photos)

in #photography7 years ago

Click on any picture to see the original resolution and appreciate the fine detail of these beautiful moths!
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This Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is somewhat of an outlier. Most moths are active at night, have large wings and have navigational problems brought on by street lights; whereas these moths are active during the daytime are swift fliers and hover as they feed.

Very much like a hummingbird, their small wings beat very rapidly, requiring a lot of energy. Just like the hummingbirds they are constantly moving from flower to flower for a sip of nectar.

Their proboscis is longer than their entire body!

Using a high shutter speed, I was able to capture the hawk-moth's wings in different positions as it flew, without a camera their wings are nearly invisible!


Up-stroke. In the two previous shots the "tail" can be seen, just as in birds this is used to help control the hawk-moth's flight.

Turning, en route to another blossom. The flexible proboscis is halfway curled, when resting the whole thing is coiled up under the head.

Last year I was very fortunate to spot one of these colourful moths as it came to rest for a night on the rose bush outside the window. I doubt I would have spotted it otherwise!

More Hummingbird Hawk-moth photos!

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Amazing! Is it hard to catch it in flight?

Thanks @boddhisattva, catching it in flight is relatively easy as the two I saw that day never landed, the difficult part is getting the focus right before it flies off to another flower. They're also very skittish and very fast so I needed to stake out the flowers and wait for the moth to come close enough.

Wow! Those are some exceptional photographs. These little guys are swift and "bouncy" flyers, so exceptional job on these captures!

Thanks @denmarkguy, they certainly are difficult to keep in the frame!

Very original and beautiful!

Thank you @arx27! Original content is very important!

All pictures are very beautiful.

Thank you for checking out my photos @noopu!

you're welcome 😊

Stunning images. Especially the first shot!

Thank you @mostly.nature, the third to last shot is the same photo with a taller crop; and my current phone background!

Really great shots! It's crazy how the proboscis bends halfway down. Also how dang long it is! Yikes! Awesome captures!!

Yes, it all coils up, perhaps the lower half is more flexible so it can reach into more kinds of flowers. Thanks for your support @jaymorebeet!

The perception is good

Nice angle

Nice color splash

Happy following buddy

Such amazing photos! Thank you for sharing them!

Thank you very much @violetmed!

Very good Pictures!


Thanks for sharing ,

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