First Signs of Spring!

in #photography8 years ago

It is the first of March and slowly but surely Winter's grip is loosened and Spring starts to unfold. A wonderful opportunity to take the macro lens for a tour of the garden.

Early bulbs: daffodils and crocuses bravely send shoots into the still cold air.

Raspberries also start to awaken:


A surprisingly delicate blossom from a stout bodied succulent:

As do the plums, (from last week: Ume - Plum Blossoms!) and, below, cherries (Nanking Cherry):

My apologies @englishtchrivy I did my best to examine the buds, but could not tell which would be flowers or which would be leaves. My suspicion is that they will be both. I'll take a series of photos throughout the spring to solve the mystery!

I do love the colours and textures of the bark on the Nanking Cherry Tree:

Rose bushes are planted on all sides of the house, affording different light levels and temperatures on each side. This has caused some to start budding a few days before the rest resulting in a kind of time-lapse that took mere minutes to shoot and illustrates the budding and new leaves of the roses.

Buds erupt from the ends of branches and along the main vines of the rose bushes:

Tightly packed leaves explode forth!

Delicate and tender, they are quickly found by the aphids (can you find it?):

A small frond:

Soon becomes much larger; with even more buds forming, ready to bring fresh leaves to soak up the sunlight:

However, this is merely the begining, throughout the spring and summer these small buds will produce branches well over 50cm, with sub branches and numerous wonderful rose blossoms, protected by some rather wicked thorns.

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I regularly post macro shots of some of the more creepy and crawly denizens of the garden and will be shooting more of those lovely creatures as they start to wake from their winter slumber.

Well, maybe not that particular grub.
Little Monsters Part 30: Redback Spider is the most recent of that series.


@mweich no need to apologize it's hard to tell which one is a flower bud and which one would just bud out leaves.. hard indeed!
I can't wait till the spring fever is full blown!

Yay for allergy medicine! Why did they have to plant so very many cedar trees?!

@mweich oh that - you got allergies?
like they make you sneeze or teary eyed?
hmmm.. vit c would boost your immune system to combat allergies :D

I've tried vit C before, didn't seem to help much. The allergy meds help, and I have to take them anyway, my immune system really doesn't need a boost.

Gorgeous! I smell the spring!

Thank you very much @aksinya!

Oooooo... So much detail. Fantastic workmanship!

Thank you very much @justinashby! Thank you for taking the time to notice. :)

Good to see things sprouting again.

Yes, it certainly is!

awesomeness! light! rebirth!

Thank you very much @billykeed!

I like that spider at the end, reminds me of the black widows we have here in Arizona

They are related, and we have those in Osaka as well. Redbacks seem to be a bit more successful in my neighbourhood though, thanks America and Australia!
Click the picture for more of that spider and many others! :)

Awesome pictures! Following. I love picture of invertebrates and plants!

Awesome, I hope to find some interesting things for you to look at!

Great pictures :D They give me a warm feeling

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