Lake District road trip starts tomorrow

in #photography6 years ago

I took this photo in my garden today. I am getting ready to go on a road trip to the Lake District tomorrow for a few days and needed to check my camera was set up right for the huge landscapes in that part of England, which is full of mountains, hills and valleys and such like.

Can you guess what this close up image is below?


web4 innerspace.jpg

It's a spider web covered in morning dew


The grass in the garden is covered with these small and beautiful little webs and in the morning they are covered with this tracery of dew drops.(water)

I'm looking forward to this trip to the landscape saved for the nation from development by Beatrix Potter. Not sure what the internet connection will be like out there in the wilds. We will see.

Lake District National Park


It's quite a long drive and I may try to pop in and see @c0ff33a en route if possible. Depending on how knackered I am from the drive.

I'm hoping for some dark skies with clear weather to do some astrophotography which is a lot of fun when you actually get something in the camera.

The 500 Rule!

If you are wondering what the connection is between the bubbles photo and astrophotography. Let me explain. When you shoot stars you will want them to be as sperical as possible in the image with no trails.
This is achieved by working out the length of the lens being used and the exposure time. It's a bit fiddly and you need to experiment a bit on the fly.

There is a ratio that you can use. The 500 or 600 ratio but it's a bit hit and miss to be honest.
500/30 mm lines = 16.6 seconds which is then divided by the crop size of the sensor. In my case a Canon 70D has a crop sensor of 1.6.

Therefore 16.6/1.6 = 10.41 seconds exposure time. So you can open the shutter for 10 seconds and get nice round stars with no trailing lines.

Of course if you want star trails just ignore the settings and just expose the sensor for 15 - 30 minutes and you will get lovely star trails.

Have a nice weekend folks.


Safe travels @molometer. I hope you have nice, clear weather for your photography.

That second photograph is stunning! 😁

It's so sparkly almost like tiny diamonds. Isn't nature marvelous?

Isn't nature marvelous?

It certainly is @molometer.

What time are you setting off tomorrow?

Good luck on your long drive! I don't work Saturdays so you won't catch me roasting tomorrow - you might be able to catch me on the return journey though whenever that is?

I'm impressed with your dew covered spider webs, I haven't noticed so many myself but it has been getting pretty brisk on a morning recently.

#thealliance #witness

That sounds like a plan. To pop in on the return journey although I might head up to Hadrian's Wall after the Lakes. I'll keep you posted :-)

The webs look so sparkly close up.

Great shots @molometer :-)
I wish you a great trip and good weather :-) I'm already very curious about your post when you are back.

For the bubbles... :-D

Ha ha great clip. Bubbles Hopefully I'll get some good shots in the mountains :-)

I'll keep my fingers crossed :-)

Bubbles or water droplets on a spider web are some of my favorite nature photos - I guessed right away what your photo was, haha. :)

Enjoy your weekend in the Lake District! Always fun looking through your photo adventures.

Ha ha and there was me thinking it was all mysterious and stuff.
Well spotted Lydon.
I'm looking forward to being back in the mountains.

I love bubbles, and bokeh, so your first shot grabbed my eye! Dew drops are a favourite subject of mine.

I didn't know about the 500 rule, thanks for sharing that. So if I use a 24mm on a full frame camera it would simply be 500/24 or roughly 20 seconds?

Enjoy your trip, there's nothing better for a photographer! resteemed :)

That dewy spider web made for some beautiful photos.

Happy travels and good luck getting all the photos you want! It looks to me like your camera is working just great!

Wow! Those are very cool images. I love the closeup abstract of the first photo.

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