
Such a terrible dinosaur! But it's still interesting.

Wow, that is an amazing place to take kids for a day out :) I was absolutely obsessed with Dinosaurs when I was a kid. At one time I knew the names of every single one of them simply by a look. Surprisingly some of that has stuck right up to modern day it seems; with the Allosaurus and the Ankylosaurus and Dimetrodon for example lol :)

My interest began following a primary school trip to the Natural History Museum in London; admittedly not as entertaining as this place you have here, but as you have no doubt found with this experience, that there is so much to take in, not only in visual but both historically and philosophically too; really stirs the spirit of wonder and imagination :)

My first encounter with a dinosaur was at the Natural History museum too. As a kid I spent most of my time in the museums, art galleries and the historic buildings of London.
They were all free at the time and a great place to avoid the truant officers. :)
This self education led me to a much richer understanding of the natural world.
I think because of this early experience. It led me to become constantly curious about life on earth and why we live the way we do.
I'm happy that people like what I post.
If it makes them think about how we live, that's great too.

lol Yes, I suppose the Truant officers didn't expect to find kids skipping school in a museum ;-) But that is a great museum for sure. The spark of interest can really fire in a place such as that.

You certainly do have some very interesting content sir, a pleasure to read it and to see it. Keep doing your thing because it really is great stuff :)

Thanks @westley-nash for your encouraging comments. It's always been a mystery to me why people like my content but with well over a million reads on my various websites. I guess I'm doing something that people enjoy? I have no clue? I just write what I find interesting to me.

I believe that is the key sir :) To write about your interests and your passions, the energy comes across in the work as we engage with it :)

You got some amazing photo's but I am sure glad we do not have to live with dinosaurs today.

It might be a bit tricky that's for sure lol. You couldn't outrun one of these guys. It's a bit like their cousins the alligator. They are super fast even out of water!

I could not out run them anyhow, I smoked for too many years. lol

wow this looks really amazing, looks as real dinosaurs thank you for sharing buddy and wish you had a great time in Dubai, enjoy!

It is a fantastic place @yassinof and well worth a visit if you get the chance. They move and roar pretty realistic. Imagine trying to outrun one of these? lol

thanks dear friend yes for sure if i have the opportunity i'll visit it.

The more things become possible for you, the more clearly you realize that nothing can be done bypassing the laws of nature.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

These dinosaurs look so real! Good to see this place through your eyes :) Would love to visit this park someday!

It's open all year around. Go in winter as it's much cooler.

yes I already have made plan to go in winter here

Omg!!! The pictures look great!!!
It is like you traveled to the past just like you said

Glad you found it entertaining. Wouldn't want one of these guys chasing me lol

These Dubaian's don't know what to do with all their money. lol

They are absolutely loaded. What can I say? The oil ran out years ago so they had to develop tourism. seems to be working. It's cheaper to go to Dubai than it is to go to Spain? Go figure. And the hotels are 10 times swankier!

Buen reportaje, no sabía que en Dubai tenian ese parque. Buena iniciativa para América donde tuvimos una fauna Jurásica original, desde la Argentina y hasta las estepas de Alaska.

Gracias han hecho un gran trabajo en el desierto recreando esta tierra de dinosaurios. No es como lo real, pero lo suficientemente bueno.

Thanks they have done a great job in the desert recreating this dinosaur land. Not like the real thing but good enough.

Only in Dubai. Mankind, through engineering and money, transforms reality.

What is reality? Is a very good question.

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