in #photography6 years ago

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

5000 powered up! 18 moons or 469 days later I am no longer a minnow. Yay! Last year around this time I arrived at Steemfest in Lisbon with less than 1k SP on my account. There is no denying I’ve been extremely fortunate to grow at this rate. I am no trader, all of it is earned and prior Steem my knowledge about blockchain technology was pretty much non-existent. I am grateful and thankful to all of you who have been supporting me and contributing to my growth! Thank you for being awesome! I will continue to pay it forward.

By knowing and owning Steem I am also fortunate to be ahead of probably 99% of the population who are clueless about the technology that most likely will change great many things in the future. If you are reading this you most likely are one of the fortunate ones as well. Keep learning and exploring because it will definitely help you along your journey!

Why are you not powering down anything? What if it all goes to zero? Some people have been asking me these questions quite often. I can’t know for sure that Steem will succeed in the end, but what I do know is that I am in it for a long run. Even if it goes to zero, to me the people I’ve met and the lessons I’ve learned through Steem are priceless. The time I’ve put in creating, learning and interacting will never be wasted. I give it away with joy because I love being here and I believe we can succeed.

While we are riding this rocket, I want to serve it with all I got. I do realize that 5k in reality is nothing much, but it is something, alright? I hope I am contributing to you too in some way. Not necessarily in a direct way. The picture is a lot bigger than that. I am sure you know.

I am a freaking dolphin! It is pretty cool to be able to say that! Power up and Steem on!

Song of the day: Masego, FKJ - Tadow


Awesome, congratulations!

Thank you, Master! :P

I can't thank you enough for everything, but thank you for everything! Hope to see you again some time soon!

Congrats on dolphin-hood. Well deserved. ^^

Dolphin-hood ahaha! ^^ Thank you! hugs

Congrats Andro!!! I hit 1000 SP a few days ago and I felt great, I can imagine how you feel now :D Keep on being kewl!

May your space rocket be powered with steem! :D

Thank you so much Mr. Spacely! ^^ Congrats on your 1k! Woohoo! Yea, it feels pretty darn good! You too!

Steem rocket to the Moon!

Hi m31. Read taraz's post and was wondering who joined the dolphin pool.Well done and keep going 469 days is very good going and gives me a target now. It is nice to get an idea of how long it takes. Some quicker than others but good to know. Congrats though it is something you should be proud about.

Hi cryptoandcoffee! Yea pretty happy with my growth. It really depends and differs person to person. Some post more actively, some have different support etc.

Thank you! Blood, sweat and tears for sure, hehe

Congratulations on 5k, m.

You know what this means... 10k is just around the corner.

Even if it goes to zero, to me the people I’ve met and the lessons I’ve learned through Steem are priceless.

So I'm not the only one. I didn't work for my SP like you did; I bought most of it. Still, though, I have said similar things before and I mean them to this day.

Even if we can't take this ship to the moon, this is a wonderful, almost magical place, and I couldn't imagine my life without it now. I'll be here when the last witness turns the lights off.

Thank you lem! ^^

I was talking with Taraz how now I am a dolphin, probably for a good, good while lel! Nothing in between dolphin and orcha xD

Easier with numbers as goals.

I've not seen another place this full of amazing, creative people anywhere. It is indeed magical. Everything.. even how I found this place or it found me.

even how I found this place or it found me.

Yeah, it is like they created a device for bringing cool people together. I wrote a bit about that in my Eternal September post. It takes something special to be a Steemian, it's some sort of spark of life or curiosity or intelligence. Not sure.

Congrats on dolphin-ing, it is a pretty short list of users :) it is funny how fast time goes yet on Steem it can feel like an eternity. It seems like just the other day you were excitedly at 2500 :)

Well done M

Thank you Taraz! <3 It definitely feels like couple of forevers already. Lol everything's just one, huge blur of a day, but I love it tho!

Congrats on your spectacular achievement! I’m there with you on not powering down. I’ve never done it and I don’t plan on it. :D

Aww thank you @vermillionfox! Sometimes I feel like a little Steem hoarder lol, but it feels great to be able to spread the love more and more ^^

Felicidades!! ;)

Gracias! <3



Thank you! ^^ Nice photography!


Cool shades kitty! :*


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