The Homestead Dusted in Late Autumn Snow

in #photography6 years ago

Good Day #SteemFam


It was absolutely gorgeous out there this morning and I couldn't resist capturing a bit of it, to share with you...I hope you enjoy, and you are having a blessed day wherever you are.





Winter goodies for the squirrels, couldn't bear to pick em.




A wee bit chilly out, however, a lot of the colours are warm...





Some colours were minty fresh!


To Top it All Off...


My crow brethren stayed for a photo! This is very rare for me, usually I point this blasted zoom lens at them and they hit the skies, fast. I wonder if they are finally getting used to me? It's too much to hope for at this point, I'll see how it plays out next time I have old bessie (my canon) out. See you later Angel Fam!



If you feed those crows unsalted peanuts (still in the shell) they will try to marry you.

LOL I'm gonna have to get me some of those, here I thought my stale homemade buns and hard boiled eggs would woo them...Well well...Bulk section here I come, and by "I" I mean Brendan.

Crow! Crow! Crow! Merry Christmas!

Bahahahaha I loves it so much!!!!! I’m Saint Nutolas?

Thanks for the heads up 😜

Brendan's the guy then... "What a Guy" He!! He!! HHHhhheee!!! (Y)'s-Up <3

Omg that is too funny, what a gal that @kerrywolf is EH Paul!!

well I dont know if you remember my story. I put those peanuts along the railings on all of my decks. I had myself a crow party in about 30 minutes. Quite a site.

Crow says #feedme Nice video! Is this Chris Cornell singing?

You capture that old beauty in which modern materialistic man misses so well beautiful of heart sweet sister warrior Lyndsay... Full Truth Lays in Nature Much Pure Love your way and all your loved ones (that encompasses the many) <3

images (6).jpg

Forget The MK Ultra mind control aspect of this beautiful Monarch Butterfly... Enjoy it's natural beauty. <3

Thank you Paul, I do enjoy its beauty. Nothing man can say or do, can make me judge a creature, or a number, negatively.

They don't deserve that. Life is innocent.

And try to stay warm out there! Amazing pics, you've got a great eye for it. 💜💜💗💗

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Thank you, it's definitely one of my passions... capturing beauty! <3 <3 <3 Prolly why I love stalking you so much K!

Snow really makes an otherwise dreary and depressing landscape beautiful! My favourite is your photo of the snowcapped coriander! Lovely post @lyndsaybowes.

Thank you for checking out the shots @buckaroo! Do you get much snow where you live?

Not at all. It gets cold enough that we get black frost but the only snow is on the surrounding mountains. Never down in the valley where our homestead is @lyndsaybowes

Crows are really smart. They are probably getting used to you! :)

I really hope so, it's been over 4 years! Lmao!!

"It's alright, Fred, that human's pointy thing just makes clicking sounds and she talks to us. Hang out and see if she brings us some eggs."

I wish I could experience this beautiful time

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You live in a hot climate I guess @ligayagardener?

"My crow brethren stayed for a photo! This is very rare for me, usually I point this blasted zoom lens at them and they hit the skies, fast. I wonder if they are finally getting used to me?"

Nah sis, you're getting used to them. Don't "whip out" the camera...bring it out when the time feels right. 😊💜

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahh so right, so right!!

Beautiful selection of snowy photos Lyndsay, look at that happy chicken too :)

....absolutely nothing to do with your post....

But feel free to resteem if you support it, to get steemit growing!
Common sense, nothing arty farty!

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