
The story of his teeth: When Devon was 3, he wasn't looking where he was going and slammed his face right into the kitchen counter. He broke one of his front teeth in half and damaged the other one. We had to have both of those front teeth pulled. We then had to just wait for his permanent teeth to grow in. Normally, kids don't start losing teeth til around age 6 or 7, so it was a loooooong time before he started getting the permanent teeth to finally grow in. Even when one finally grew in, the other one took a way long time to grow in. That second one still looks like it needs to come down a little further. Hopefully it does, though maybe he might need braces to really fix it in the future???

Ouch. My children sometimes don't look where they're going and slamming their faces on walls, some bruises but not broken teeth. I hope his teeth grow just fine without the braces! My son's teeth came out crooked and I told him to keep pushing it with his tongue while it's still "flexible" and it came out fine now.

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