Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Part 6

in #photography7 years ago

We found this jackfruit in the adventure zone, much lower to the ground than we expected it. I love the mingling of ornamental, medicinal and edible plants within reach at the botanical garden here in Acapulco.

The bamboo you see is covered in love carvings with a sign that says not to carve into the tree.

Found a mushroom!

This is the last of the photos I took that day, but there's still two more cameras worth of photos to import and sort through, so stay tuned!

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Living in the Clouds: Reflective Bay Nightcap
Life Upgrade: We got a Hot Tub
Rainy Morning Homestead Breakfast Photo Shoot


Thats so dope! You found Jackfruit growing!

Even more dope is to venture onto my neighbors property to find jackfruit growing there!

Started eating jackfruit this year. LOVE IT.
My most wonderful husband keeps asking me if I can bring more of it home since I work in the city, near asian markets. He has tenititus, and he believes the jackfruit lowers the ringing.
Nice post! Thank you.

I've heard it's highly medicinal so that's likely. That's cool you've found value in it!

Zone of adventure!?

Es un hermoso parque. No pensaría jamás que está en Acapulco. Siempre me sorprende

That fruit looks a little like Durian fruit, just smaller. What about those mushrooms are they edible?
Nice pics

I am not the one to ask about mushrooms. I am fascinated by them and I understand more about how they work than the average person but as far as varieties are concerned, I'm more likely to kill you than lead you to edible ones ahahahah

Haha, maybe you have also studiet Terence Mckenna's book Magic Mushroom :-)

I'll be honest when I say I share alternative views on Terrance Mckenna. I'm not a huge fan of mushrooms so far any sense other than the fact that they're fascinating and pretty. But I like acid ahahah

At least it's alternative science he stand for :-) and I think that's was we need in there days

Eh, I'm skeptical on him for many reasons. :)

That fruit is huge, by the way, about the size of my torso, it was a jack fruit called yaca here

Ok, I didn't realise that :-)

Love Jackfruit.. we grew it for a while when I lived on a farm.
thanks for sharing

I'm starting baby trees now!

GUerrero is a great place to have adventures, great pics, love jack fruit ❤️ great post!!!

I can't remember seeing jackfruit there. I was certain there wasn't any. I'm so excited. Nice pics!

When were you here again? It wasn't there last time I was there a few months ago, those suckers grow fast in the wet season lol.

Nice job

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