What the Hell Happened to Steemit? I Was Kicking Ass with My Photography

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I joined Steemit a month and a half ago and was super stoked when I started getting a lot of positive feedback and up-votes for my work. I will admit when you get anywhere between $100 - $600 for a post it makes you want to produce some content!


I'm not exactly sure how the Steemit monetary system works... randowhales, up-votes, don't post too much, don't write too much, write a lot, post hot chicks I have no idea; what I can say is that I write original content and I spend hours organizing photo adventures to create art. I love it and I love sharing when there is an audience that digs my vision. I am being exactly who I am and I stay true to that. I'm not complaining in the least that my recent posts have sucked ass monetarily and I'm super stoked for the steempower/steem that I have generated over the past 1.5 months. What makes me scratch my head is when I see a girl post pictures of her lobster dinner while wearing a tight little skirt and generate thousands. It's cool and it blows my mind of the possibilities with Steemit. I want to create original photography art and share my adventures with video...that's what gets me off.

*** I have also been a huge advocate of this platform*** and have a lot of followers across 5-6 major social media platforms. I have been promoting the hell out of Steemit because I believe in it. I haven't been this stoked about posting my original artwork or about writing my travel/photography adventures and the occasional photography lesson sprinkled in between all the images and videos in years. But, after I posted several videos and photos that took me many hours to make /edit to get $2.00 I was sort of bummed. I admit it.


You go from $400-$500 a post and then the big bubble bursts. Its' comical. But that is the reality of the crypto world at this moment. If you can't stomach the extreme highs and lows you're in the wrong spot. Bitcoin and Ethereum skyrocketed in 2017; then plummeted to soar yet again! Have you check out bitcoin today? Exciting to think of the future of blockchain technology and a potentially a world that is borderless in years to come. I love steemit and will continue to add value on this platform and I'm not worried about the cashola; I got a little too excited and now it's just a reality check. Produce value, aim to inspire a new audience, encourage others to participate and do your fucking best...that's me.


I believe in this platform and will continue to produce content worthy of print magazines. It's what I do. I also believe in Steemit and want to see this platform kick FB and IG's fucking ass.

Rant is over

Yours truly in London

Enjoy some of my favorite funky photos of interesting people I have shot over the years.


Comment with meaning and purpose and I will respond


Comment with "That's cool...follow me" and I'll tell you what I honestly think : )~

PS If you look back at my last several post you'll see some interesting photographs and videos of my Steemit travel Vlog. If you like that and want to see more I have a tone of images and video to post.










Nice work bro. I definitely feel you that photography is a little bit of a hard sell on this platform. But your reputation will lift you above in the end. Peace.

Not sure what you mean by that. I also create original videos and write articles on shooting creatively with your camera. Thanks!

It is disappointing when something you worked so hard at doesn't get much in the way of appreciation/money (and here, of course, appreciation EQUALS money.) There's a lot of competing content, so there's no guarantee it will be an easy ride.

I would imagine that if people stick at it and do their best, they will likely be able to generate some decent money for a good deal of their posts - as you have done - but there will be ups and downs. It's still early days for many people, and it seems the best thing to do is not to go in with high expectations. If anything, go in with low ones.

Do you have any idea of how many followers one might need to have to earn more than a few dollars?

I can't make any real sense of it yet. I really like the platform and haven't been here long enough to know what I'm talking about. I know I've entertained thousands on other platforms and haven't made this much money directly. I did get jobs that took me around the world as a result of FB and Youtube. Just do your best and be who you are.

Omg...your photos...I love the photo of the girl's stomach with the shado of a person. So original. We are just behind you by a half a month. Also have so much to post and love it, but also original stuff is what we post.

I appreciate your work and can't wait to see more! -Malissa

Thanks Malissa! You inspire me to continue to produce art and let the camera take me down endless journeys.

Love that Darkness on your pictures, Cheers!

I do get a little dark. Thanks!

WOW! So many amazing photos :) Thank for sharing! @lightenup

Thanks !!! I leave and breathe photography.

Beautiful images (and not just the pretty ladies!).

Steemit ebbs and flows, just go with it & try not to focus too much on monetary reward - for someone of your talents, that will surely come with regular posting!

All of us posting on Steemit at the moment are early adopters, and the potential of the platform means that in a few years a dollar here or there will be worth significantly more down the line.

You're shots and tutorials are inspiring, so keep up the good work.

Kind and true words.

Steemit: good, but yet not so good too ;D

Love your work...Keep at it!!

Hell yes I will keep at it. I can't not keep at it

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