A Winter Walk Along the Lachine Canal, Montreal

in #photography7 years ago

Earlier today I went on a long walk with my girlfriend -- from my place all the way downtown -- to do some errands. We decided to not take the metro/subway, but walk instead of me spending money on the public transportation system (she has a monthly public transpo pass). This way I save money, and we get some exercise happening as well :) In the summer we both like to go biking around for transportation, so it was a welcome change. My girlfriend likes to walk anyways. I on the other hand, don't enjoy it as much ;)

We walked along the Lachine Canal for a part:




Along the path that runs parallel to the canal, there are are sometimes old buildings, like old factories, that were re-purposed as apartments for people to live in:


At various places along the path, you can get to the other side via bridges, which lead to the downtown area of Montreal.

Here is one such bridge:


The water is very low in the winter and doesn't freeze at one spot as there are rocks forming min-rapids:





After a lot of walking, we were getting close to our destination, and had already entered the bottom of the downtown Montreal area near Bonaventure, which displayed some "art" sculptures of something that looks like a tree-staircase:


There was another taller one on the other side of the street:


I personally wasn't too impressed with this "art" hehe. I hope people don't think that is the pinnacle of Montreal art sculptures lol...

By the end of the day, I was very glad to get back home. After walking from 1-5pm, I was pretty sore in the legs :P I'm not used to walking so much... heh.

I hope you enjoy the visit along the Lachine Canal in the winter. :)

Thanks for viewing. Take care. Peace.


There’s more to explore when you walk. I have a hang of walking everywhere even if public transportation is available.

Walking brings along it’s over adventures , I feel like it also helps us communicate with others on a scale as well

Yup, it helps see things and possibly engage in way you won't be able to underground hehe.

Omg YAY!!!! Always good to see you, and especially in the #walkwithme tag! What a great surprise!!

So did you end up enjoying the walk once it was all said and done? Slept like a log I bet!

This was a little disturbing actually...hahaha! And don't worry, I know how much lovely art there is in Quebec...so I won't judge!

Yes, I was tired after hehe. My knees hurt walking so much when I'm not used to it :P

I used that tag thanks to you, so thank you for suggesting it last time :)

It's underwhelming of an "art" sculpture for sure... what's disturbing about it for you? LOL...

I guess it's disturbing because of the lack of an inspired feeling I got from it. It's so gray...and lifeless...and useless...

LMAO... yes... useless is a key word to describe this ... thing... :P It's not an attractive art/sculpture for sure... lol.

Haha, those are some weird sculptures! If I was there, I'd definitely get on them just to mess around a bit :D
Winter is a great time to take some pictures, because the snow makes almost everything have that magical look!
When it comes to walking, I enjoy it but I much rather prefer doing it at summer, because if it's cold at winter, long walks become really annoying, because I start to feel like I'm gonna freeze to death...

I hear ya, but it was 5 Celsius that day, warm for winter here in February ;)

Wow! Above freezing! Were you wearing a t shirt? ;) lol

Walking around has its benefits and it's better when you do it with a loved one. I actually like the tree-staircase sculptures and you can rest assured that I would have climbed them if I had seen them.

Haha, good to know you liked them. A few people appreciate them :) I wasn't too interested in climbing, more in getting to my destination hehe :) Walking is better when done with a loved one indeed :)

For some reason I always have the urge to get to higher places and to view things from there. That's especially strange keeping in mind I'm also really afraid of hights. My dog is the same, he wants to get to high places and observe the world (and usually bark at it) but he's also afraid, especially from staircases. ;)

I didn't know you lived in Montreal. Myself, I live in Toronto.

I personally wasn't too impressed with this "art" hehe. I hope people don't think that is the pinnacle of Montreal art sculptures lol...

Every city has a few like that. Since you're a fellow Canuck, I don't need to tell you the usual explanation for why. ;)

Haha, indeed.

Wow, great shots! Love the snow on the pavement. I would have loved such snow in my region as well :) Well, I enjoy walking to clear my mind.

I personally wasn't too impressed with this "art" hehe. I hope people don't think that is the pinnacle of Montreal art sculptures lol...

haha but I love such types of art ;)

Well I'm glad at least you like the art ;)

nice way to capture winter life! Bet there aren't many pictures out there like this as it looks pretty cold for walking!

It was a decent 5 Celsius, so not so cold for here int he winter ;)

Wow, that's a lot of walking in a lot of cold-- well done; I'm sincerely impressed. I used to walk 6-8 hours when I was a "professional" beach comber (long story) and would easily cover 20-25km in a day. Still, when you aren't used to it, it's amazing how just walking can take it out of you.

Cool that they've repurposed the old buildings, rather than just knocking them down.

As for public art... well, I'm reminded of an old truism: "There's no accounting for taste." We have some horrific art lumps around our town, too. At least the staircases to nowhere are mildly interesting.

Yeah I need to build my knee and leg muscles .... :/

wow amazing picture @krnel. i like it so much. i think you are great and pro photographer. i believe u have many great posting about photography with best shot and correct angle, waiting for latest post. Let's waking to my blog I have some beutiful photos on my wall

Then ,happy valentine's day !! @krnel :)

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