Nighttime on the Homestead #5 [Trail Camera Photography]

What does homesteading look like…

when we’re not looking?

When I saw these pictures, I realized that I had never before seen a flying squirrel in real life! I’ve only ever seen them on tv! I’m pretty pleased that even though I’ve only seen this fellow in photos, I know he is close by!

Camera: Moultrie Night Vision Trail camera

Alterations: N/A

Check out my previous Nighttime on the Homestead #4 [Trail Camera Photography] here!

Photography by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared/reposted with proper accreditation. Article contains affiliate links through Amazon.

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I would love to have a trail cam! I got some footage the other evening while doing chores, of my little stripped kitties that live under the barn. Glad we are friends. :) I love the little squirl guy. didn't realize they were out at night.

That’s so funny! @hethur420 just saw one for the first time the other day too! Man I want a trail cam bad!!

That's really cool! Thank you for sharing this! I've never seen a flying squirrel in real life either, at least, as far as I know I haven't.

I would love to have a few of those cameras! I spend a lot of time outside at night and often hear, and see all sorts of animals that I would love to have pictures of, so I could see what they are doing while they are out and about! :)

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