Alien Planet: Dallol volcano

in #photography8 years ago

 This place reminds an alien planet and its extraterrestrial landscapes more similar to the surface of Io, a satellite of the planet Jupiter. But no, we are in the world, in East Africa.This is the lowest volcano in the world, located at an altitude of 48 meters below sea level, which was formed less than 900 million years ago. Name it - Dallol. 

 The volcano Dallol - a volcanic crater in the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia. 

  Its composition: lava of sulfur and andesite. 

 In 1926, when a strong explosion formed a large lake located at an altitude of 48 meters below sea level. Lake Painting purple-yellow color. 

 Due to the large amount of minerals and heavy elements in the soil, Dallol volcano produces bright "puddles" incredible shades at the top of its caldera. This place looks like an alien planet. 

 The average annual temperature in the area is also unique. In 60-ies of XX century, it was 34 ° C, which is now the maximum average temperature. So this place - one of the hottest on the planet. 

  Last time the eruption of the volcano Dallol observed in 1926. 

 The diameter of the crater of the volcano - 1450 meters 

 Next to the crater of the volcano of the same name is the African village of Dallol. According to the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, in 2005, the settlement was uninhabited. 

 In the region there are no roads, communication with the region exists through the caravan routes, destined for collection and delivery of salt. This is one of the most remote from civilization places on Earth, so not everyone decided on a dangerous adventure. 

  And Dallol volcano has just two lava lake, one of which is located in the crater of the volcano 

 Alien Planet: Dallol volcano. 

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