
I did a little more than you 12 years almost in the army

12 years is a long time. When I joined the army, I thought I would like it and stay in the army, but I didn't like it - I am no military person.

I enjoyed the time with them did 3 years in Singapore and 8 Weeks in Hong KOng so that got my travel bug started ,I left it for a more settled life, and then joined the UN for one year to see some more of the world and been here for almost 3 years LOL

You have seen the world and learned a lot of other nations and their people, that's good. You can think back of a colorful life, when you are old and gray one day in the far future, sitting on your rocking chair on the porch, watching the sun setting on the horizon, your Sony A7 mark 14 in your hand ... I think I should better go to bed now ;)

LOL Mark 14, not sure if new cameras will be an option when I retire, but maybe sometime Steem will rise like a phoenix and it may be an option
Ohh yes i hve seen so much and have many stories I could tell from my travels ;)

Steem will rise, and hopefully I will still be alive - otherwise I will look down and watch my happy rich kids ;)

You could tell your stories here or let Bahbahra tell us ;)

Oops ohh yes the Bahbahra stories, I did take some photos but have not edited them nor come up with a story to go with them yet, but I will maybe tomorrow I will work on that :)

and Yes I do believe it will rise, and if its for the good of my stepson or the grandkids I am fine with that as well :))

Bahbahra just came into my mind, when you mentioned the stories you have to tell... ;)
... but I am looking forward to some nice stories of Bahbahra :)

I am thinking the same - if the Steem rises and brings some wealth to my family, then I will be satisfied too 😊

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