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RE: Peak above the clouds / Gipfel über den Wolken

in #photography5 years ago

Who cares about the cost when you had a good time together with your wife? 🙂

It was raining yesterday afternoon and also today, and it is quite cold (6C / 43F).
I think, today's visit at the graveyard where my parents-in-law are will be rather short. I don't know, if "All Souls' Day" and "All Saints' Day" are known in the US though.



Tight now its just above freezing point and a high of 9C, I just couldn't face dealing with it being that cold and skipped going for a walk this morning, but I need to get my act together and be editing photos and preparing posts for this coming week so thats a plus about the cold


Every negative thing has a positive side too - you have found the positive side of the coldness 👍😉
It is still raining here, and because the weather for Austria seems to stay rainy for the next days, I hope I don't need to go to Vienna tomorrow.


I do try to find positive wherever i can, and it was quite nice just now when I went out for a little walk :)


Cool 👍🙂
It has been raining all day long here and the graveyard visit was quite wet, but we met with my wifes relatives and had a very good pizza together 🙂


Sorry about the rain but glad the visit went well


Thanks - it is still raining, and I hope I can stay at home today - I don't like Vienna in the rain ;)


Vienna is best on a nicer day fir sure I hope it works out that you don’t need to go

I will definitely go this afternoon, but I won't see much of Vienna - when I arrive it will be dark, and tomorrow we have that meeting which should last until the late afternoon. After that I have to go back home ;) If nothing happens I should be online tonight as usual ;)


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