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RE: TreeLove and BigMac - #TreeTuesday

in #photography5 years ago

Oh, this is deep, very deep, and I have to read such deep words in the morning, while I am still half asleep, but now I am awake.
If I tell my family, they will log in to their Steemit accounts for the first time and downvote all of your blog posts with their full whale power!

LOL I needed to write this, @janton, because it is raining outside and I wanted to have some fun inside :)))

I know, that there are these fans of GoT, but there are also the Trekkies and other fans, who live their TV shows. I like Star Trek and many other SciFi movies and TV shows too, but there's only one thing, I am a real fan of, and that's my family ... and maybe the Steem ;)

... and yes, these kinds of people are living in Austria .... too ;) lol


Howdy again sir johannpiber! yes, people are crazy. So you are one of these people who dress up like "Chewy" from Star Wars? lol. And go to these conventions full of weirdos?

I love Chewy, but I would never go to such a convention, @janton. They are crazy or weird, as you say :)

that's why I thought you might fit right in! lol.
I am impressed with some of the costumes and all the effort they put into making them so realistic though even though they are crazy as a drunk Austrian!

No, @janton, I don't like costumes or uniforms, and I don't like to present myself in public ;)

Have you ever met a drunk Austrian? How can you know, that a drunk Austrianis crazy? Oh, you have met me a few years ago, when I drank my last Whisky? Well, then I understand :) lol

lol! I just have a good imagination of what a drunk Austrian would be like. lol. No, I've never had the pleasure of actually meeting an Austrian. The only one I ever even heard about was Arnold. Otherwise, I never hear anything about Austria. I don't know if it's just not reported on or it's so boring there that nothing ever happens! lol.

We are boring, @janton, we all are boring, and when we drink alcohol we all fall asleep LOL
I think, we behave as bad or stupid as anyone else on our whole wide earth, when he or she drinks too much alcohol :)

Well sir, except the Indian tribes here, who for some reason go crazy and violent when they drink. They process it differently for some reason and the results are very bad.

I have seen this in several Western movies. Some people just don't tolerate alcohol, and shouldn't drink any, but before you start drinking you don't think of the consequences, and a few drinks later it's too late ;)

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