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RE: Butterfly: Silver-washed Fritillary / Kaisermantel

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Gidday, my friend, and thank you very much 😊

Yes, that was another lucky shot again ;) The bird was far to far away, and suddenly the butterfly landed right in front of me ... and there was no wind 😊

Oops, I hit the post button to fast, because I wanted to wish you also a great work week :)))


It’s always nice when there isn’t much wind
Good morning from me gidday to you hope the week is starting well

This week started with a work day after a long weekend, this can never be a good start 😎
The weather is fine, and the work day is soon over - that's a good start 😉
I hope, your week started Well too 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes thats a good start, so far so good went for a short stroll effort work and now it he Orifice OOps of course I wan office and that was not a typo its what I often cal the office LOL

Enjoy your evening

When I read that word I had to smile and I thought "what a matching typo" 🤣
I have to think about such a nice name for my office too 😁
Thanks, have a nice afternoon.

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL Iuse that name for office far to often, even slipped it in without thinking in an official document once, funny thing is it went way high p the chain before anyone noticed it and corrected it
The heat as picked up here real feel hitting 100 right now my lunchtime walk was straight to the deli and back

I bet, that was funny, and I would like to know what the one who first noticed the word thought 😉
100 degrees Fahrenheit are 37 Celsius - wow, that's hot - too hot for a longer walk than neccessary :) It has been hot here too, but not much over 30C.

Ohh they were not to amused at all there was a bit of an uproar, but i got away with blaming it on autocorrect LOL

We had a nice spell of days around 30but the last couple the temps have ramped up again, so staying in the cool tillI walk to the train

Autocorrect is always a good excuse ;)
Anything over 30C is too much when you are not on vacation at a beach or so. Stay cool and drink a !BEER 😎

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