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RE: Part #3: Šunik Water Grove / Šunik-Wasserhain

in #photography5 years ago

Of course, you are right @janton, but I think I'm ready for a vacation.
I know, you will say now, that we have had so many holidays during the past weeks, but I think, it was last christmas, when I have had more days off, than just a long weekend :)
I am getting old - let me be a bit grumpy LOL


Yes, that's all you guys do over there is take off on holidays! lol. Ok, how long do you get off for Christmas?

I don't think you are getting old at all. To me you're almost a kid! lol.

The weekends and the holidays are the best times for working people.

We are visiting my family and the family of my wife at christmas. So we need a few days, and we do also need a few days for us :)
The kids have 2 weeks off school, and this is about the time we stay at home too.

This kid has a white beard, but I will shave it tonight, I always let it grow for one or two weeks and then I shave it, when my Missus asks me to do it ;)

Oh! A white beard! Me too. But you are really too young to have a white beard, that is unusual. Maybe it's inherited? The Missus asks you to grow it or to shave it?

Where does your wife's family live?

Well, not all is white, most is a light gray :)
My Missus does not like my beard, and I don't like it either, but I am too lazy to shave, and so I do it only if I have to, or if I am in the right mood, or if she asks me ;)

There's only her sister left, who lives about half an hour away - that doesn't sound much, but we have to drive through half Carinthia (smaller side) LOL

oh so you are saying that you are so lazy that if it was up to you, you would have a big silver, gray beard? Like Santa Claus? lol.

No, because when the beard hair get longer, they scratch and I do not like the beard when I ride my motorcycle and wear my full-face helmet.

oh! Got it. Beards look really funny on motorcycle riders when they are riding! People would be laughing at you. Although you may be used to that, I don't know. lol.

You're so nice tonight, my friend ;)
I prefer laughing people to angry people :) lol

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