
Glad you have more and I look forward to seeing them

Today may be a quiet day for me, I got up earlyish, but it was raining so haven't been out yet but a quiet day may be good ;)
I hope your day is going well

Quiet and lazy days are needed sometimes to regenerate :)))

I have just come home from a motorbike ride, and I have come right in time, because it is getting very dark outside, although it is only 2pm.

A heavy thunderstorm is rolling towards us. It is coming from the west, and my sister, who lives about 75 miles west of me, has said, she cannot remember such a heavy storm, including hard rain and hail.

In a few minutes we will see, if she has told us the truth.

Yes indeed, didn't end up working that way today I did get out for a walk, did a lot around the house, but did manage to edit a few photos so a good day all in all even though I am exhausted now ;)
Glad you got your ride in before the weather turned lets hope it calmed down a bit before it got to you and wasnt to rough

You're exhausted, but you have had a good and productive day - that's good. I have not done much after my ride, just editing some macros I have made about 2 weeks ago, and hang around at home ;)

I think the weather was raging when it was with my sister, and because I'm a very nice person, it just rained a bit and cooled the air ;)

Lol that comment about the weather and your sister is so something I would say about and too my sister lol 😂

... but I do love my sister though ;)

Where she lives there is often an extreme weather - sometimes it is the hottest spot in the whole country, sometimes the coldest, and sometimes they have the worst weather.

I wonder, how the weather would be, if she would move somewhere else ;) lol

I Did not mean to imply you did not love your sister and sorry if it came across that way, I do love my Sisters as well, but me being me I do have to tease them from time to time LOL And I se you do as well with your line of thought i this comment :)

No, I didn't understand it that way. Maybe I used the wrong words - I am no native English speaker, you must know ;)

Yes, I do as well - I also have to annoy my sister every now and then, so she knows that I'm still alive :) lol

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