My first Processor / Mein erster Prozessor

in #photography5 years ago

This processor is over 20 years old and worked in my first own computer.

Dieser Prozessor is über 20 Jahre alt und hat in meinem ersten eigenen Computer gearbeitet.

AM486 DX4-100

If I recall correctly, the brand of the computer was Escom and the processor is an AM486 DX4-100 with 4MB of RAM - right: 4 megabytes, and upgrading to 8 megabytes at that time cost me half a month's salary.

Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, war die Marke des Computers damals Escom und der Prozessor ist ein AM486 DX4-100 mit 4 MB RAM - richtig: 4 Megabyte, und die Aufrüstung auf 8 Megabyte hat mich damals ein halbes Monatsgehalt gekostet.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 • f/8 • 1/100 sec • @105 mm

The processor is everything that's left over from my first own PC and has been on my desk for about 24 years now. It has become a bit dusty and some of the pins are bent, but probably it would even work ;)

Der Prozessor ist alles, was von meinem ersten eigenen PC übrig geblieben ist und liegt nun schon ca 24 Jahre auf meinem Schreibtisch. Etwas staubig ist er geworden und einige der Pins sind verbogen, aber wahrscheinlich würde er sogar noch funktionieren ;)

AMD Am486 Wikipedia
AMD Am486 Wikipedia

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Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Johann Piber

Photos and Text: Johann Piber
#originalcontent #originalworks #deutsch #austria #steemit-austria



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Thank you @pixresteemer :)

So funny when you think what specs our first computers had in comparison to now days. I also recall the mayor modem upgrade from 14k4..a week a 28k8 and then the 56k6 ...what a speed upgrade that was😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I remember the time when I dialed the Internet via AOL, what were quite expensive long distance calls.

Never tried the long distance AOL but I remember some moments where I forgot disconnect the connection..

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... and I'll never forget, when I downloaded my first movie (yes, I did, but only once ;), I got instead of the desired blockbuster a bad horror movie ;) - the download needed the whole night and some more hours, I think, and then I got the wrong movie :(

Oh yes multiple completely different files downloaded from the net in the blockbuster but a budget xxx movie..or a cam version with people walking in front of the where somebody brought they could sing so dubbed the song... How I like Netflix and spotify now days😁😁

Posted using Partiko Android

True ... now we have UPC and Amazon Prime ;)

My dear friend @johannpiber decided to take a leap into the past?)) You have succeeded! I had a similar computer. Disk space of the winchester 40 megabytes VGA monitor. He was already a little overclocked. Some slots were soldered. It added a bit of RAM. It was a fun time for two-dimensional games. Although, the game DOOM was already three-dimensional and was on such a computer. Tanks, Warlord, Heroes of the Empire, this is what reminds me of that time and that computer. Not only games remind of that time. Even then, there was the AutoCAD program, on such a computer I was drawing gas supply projects for residential buildings. Thank you very much for this journey!

I have not been in the mood to photograph on this rainy day today, my friend @barski, but then I saw this processor on my desk, and I needed a photo for my today's post... :)

About 40 MB harddisk and a 14" monitor. I can remember only one game - Age of Empires, which I played the whole night long. My wife still says, that our kids could be a few years older by now, if I had not bought this computer ;)
I had the little brother of AutoCAD, named AutoSketch, and at that time I planned the interior design of the offices of my company.

Wow! You have a nice piece for the Science Museum in London! LoL

You are a real collector of curiosity objects! A nice piece there!

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Thank you @kaminchan :)
Now it is an old piece of technics, but in 50 years it will be an antique technology ;)

Auch wenn es schon einige Jahre her ist, kann ich mich noch ganz gut an meine erste CPU erinnern. Es war eine Z80. Mein erster Computer war ein CPC- 464 mit 3 Zoll Disketten. Hergestellt wurde dieser von der Firma Amstrad und vertrieben von der Firma Schneider Computer Division. Das Betriebssystem war CPM und Programme konnte man damals noch nicht kaufen. Die musste man selber programmieren, oder Listings aus PC Zeitschriften abtippen.

1984, das waren noch Zeiten! 😁

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Wir hatten damals Anfang der 80er in der Schule schon Datenverarbeitung ;) Ich habe aber keine Ahnung mehr, welche Geräte das waren. Da haben wir auch Listings von der Tafel oder aus einem Skriptum abgetippt und dann ist ein Skispringer gesprungen - daran kann ich mich noch irgendwie erinnern.

Ende der 80er haben wir den ersten PC im Büro "probeweise" installiert bekommen. Da war irgendeine Unix Software mit Textverarbeitung drauf und von Windows noch keine Spur. Mein Chef hat damals noch alles mit der Schreibmaschine sauber reingeschrieben und dann erst in den PC übertragen ;)

Das waren noch die Zeiten, als der Nadeldrucker mit Schallschutzhaube so groß war wie mein Schreibtisch :)

Damals, als die Prozessoren noch ohne Kühlkörper ausgekommen sind.
Das waren noch Zeiten :-)

Lang lang ist's her, als mein Kollege einen Pentium gekauft hat und wir gestaunt haben, wie viel schneller der bootet :)

Und mit Windows 98 oder den falschen Treibern dann das schnelle Booten wieder vorbei war. :-)

Da könnte ich wahrscheinlich ein Buch schreiben über die Kollegen, die einen "besseren" Treiber installiert haben, den sie in einem Windowsforum heruntergeladen haben... :)))

Haha... :-D
Diese Geschichten sind Gold wert :-D

Da fällt mir noch eine ein:

Wir hatten in den Neunzigern auch Bildschirmschreibmaschinen mit 3,5" Disketten. Ein Gerät wurde schon kurz nach Inbetriebnahme als defekt gemeldet. Ursache war eine Diskette, welche zur Schonung mit der Plastikhülle eingeschoben worden ist :)))

Haha... :-D
Das ist gut :-D
Mit Bildschirmschreibmaschinen hatte ich allerdings noch nie was zu tun. :-)

Ich habe dieses Baby bekommen, was ich wieder flott machen will. Richtig schick mit Modem. :-)

Stark, ich wünsche dir viel Spaß :)
Ich habe bei mir zu Hause nicht mal mehr eine Telefondose, wo ich das Modem anstecken könnte ;)

Bei uns in der Firma steht im Dachboden noch ein alter Tower, bestimmt bald 20 Jahre alt. Vielleicht schaue ich mir den mal an.

My first processor is Duron 1300

Wikichip says it was introduced in 2002 - quite old too :)

So cool you found both a subject and time to get this super cool shot Impressive you have kept this around for so long, i am not even sure what happened with my old Computer gear LOL

Yes, I always wanted to photograph this processor, but never have done it until today - I needed a photo for my today's post :)
I shot the photo on the windowsill in the bedroom - with tripod and flashlight.
I don't know, why I kept this processor, but this thing has accompanied me for many years now. It has always been on a desk, either in my office or at home on my small computer desk.

ITs cool that you kept it I had my First work motherboard we rolled out for many years but when we moved to a flexible workspace I threw out a lot of stuff including that, it would have been a cool subject for macro shots not that I think about it

Yes, it would have been an interesting image, also for a comparison. I like those comparisons between technical things like computers or computer parts then and now.

That would be a cool photo project then and now you should do some in that theme or maybe make it a tag #thenandnow 😎👍😎

Nice ideas, lets keep them in mind.

I don't have that many old things, which are interesting also ;) but maybe from time to time I'll see, photograph and post something. The idea is good and I think people like to see the good old past.

For a regular tag like your #wednesdaywalk I might be too lazy or forgetable at the moment ... I am glad that I think at least sometimes of these monday, tuesday... tags ;)

Good morning, by the way 😉

Good morning or good afternoon for you 😎
I only remember the weekday tags because I often prepare a few posts in advance on the weekend Incase my week goes crazy which it often does

It is 11:40am and at this time we say "Mahlzeit" ... it is lunch time and "Mahlzeit" means "meal" in English. We say this like good morning in the morning and good afternoon in the afternoon ;)

Sometimes I think, but most times I forget about these tags. This morning I have seen that green plant at my desk and thought "it's thursdaygreen" :)))

My first processor was 486sx 25MHz, later I made upgrade to dx 100 :)

Actually, my first computer was a Commodore 64, but it was for playing only ;)
When we got our first computers in our office they were so slow, that we had a coffee, while they were booting up :)))

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Thank you @treeplanter 😁

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