
I haven’t slept in a castle, but I did manage to sleep through many earthquakes and even through a firefight one night all around the place i was staying in Rwanda, I didn’t know about the firefight till when I got p in the morning and saw the damage all around, alcohol may well have been a factor lOL

PS I struggled to resist but let me wife talk me into paying for the paid Rugby channel LOL

Sometimes your stories just don't give me a chance for a reply - or what could I say, when you tell me you have slept during earthquakes and a firefight? ... I woke up once during an earthquake, but because I was only 11 and didn't have any alcohol ;) lol

That's the way it should be - you feel better, because she wanted you to pay for it, and your wife feels good, because she has made you happy :)

Well the Earthquakes are so common in Ew Zealand we eat used to them andI sleep through them my Dad went through a big one before we were born and i think they freaked him a little whenever there a one in the night he would race around the house turning on all the lights and checking everyone and everything was OK, i guess II got used to that as well and we kind of came to a deal he would only wake me if part of the house collapsed and I needed to move, which fortunately that never happened

The area of Kigali I lived in Rwanda for a few months you could here shooting almost every evening in the distance, One Night a few of us had far to many drinks, and they dropped me off at hope and I slept like a rock through thats night shooting, only when I went to go out the morning I’d I see the damage to a house three doors down from the one I was in, I wasn’t to happy about it actually and paced myself drinking so I wa more alert for the rest of my time there

Yes I do like your way of thinking about me and my wife both being happy ;)

We have earthquakes from time to time, but they are very weak here, so that you can hardl ynotice them. The one I told before was the only earthquake that has been really bad and it has damaged a lot in Italy just a few kilometres from where we lived. Our house has 1 meter thick walls and I don't think, that any earthquake could seriously harm it :)

The only war in which I have been involved, was when we were "playing war" in the army :)

... and everybody is happy :)))

Back in NZ we have a ot of them I think I remember reading we average about 15,000 earthquakes a year f course we don’t feel them all but enough to get somewhat used to them, Christchurch got hit with. Big one a couple of years ago that did a lot of damage
WOW 1 meter think walls must be so obust and able to stand even a fairly big one I would imagine

In my time the army I never saw any war, but in my time in Peace Keeping I have seen some and a lot of the effects after war

I guess, if we had that much earthquakes wich we can feel, then we would get used to them too, but so, every earthquake you feel is a scary sensation ;)

The house is over 100 years old and the outer walls are that thick.

I was in the army with the logistics and we had a lot of fun playing war games :)

I think where I grew up we would feel perhaps a few a month mostly small but enough to feel them if standing still or seeing the lights swaying and knowing we were getting one

I was in he signals Corp inthe army and been inthe Telcommunications and ow IT field fro about 42 Years now

Swaying lights would be scary enough for us here, I think ;)

The signals corp is also a rather safe position or job, isn't it? I don't know anything about the army, because as you might know, I have been there only for the 8 months we have to absolve.

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