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RE: Interesting places to photograph

in #photography7 years ago

So beautiful! I spent a summer in Helsinki studying at the university, but I would've loved to explore a bit more. Oh well, maybe for my next visit you can be my Tampere tour guide :P

I'm definitely a social person; love meeting friends and being out and about in the middle of a city. Yet I find solace on the occasion where I can be completely alone in nature...doesn't happen as much as I'd like living in the middle of Hamburg but your photos remind me to make a point of taking a step back on a regular basis and getting a breath of fresh air.

Upvoted and followed, awesome stuff!


It definitely helps to get a little space at time, especially from a city environment. I will be your guide no worries.

I have never lived in Helsinki but I wouldn't mind one day to give it a go. Finland is quite different for me too as I am from the tropics of Australia.

Haha good deal, I might have to take you up on that! Although I don't know when I'm going to be there again...right now the next destination on my agenda is Croatia (leaving Tuesday!), then maybe Bosnia after. Australia is one of my dream places to visit but since there's still a whole bunch of countries I haven't been to in Europe, Australia still probably be a few years down the line...and I say that for primarily financial reasons! Otherwise I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Without financial limitation, I don't know if I would ever stand still.

I hear that! For me I can work anywhere, so although I still have to earn money, the fact that I can do it all over the world does make it hard to justify to myself staying in one place...both pros and cons to that.

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