The Steemit Adventures of Weird Plastic Baby: Hanging out at the vape shop

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Weird Plastic Baby accompanied me at work today for an interesting view of life at the vape shop. Gotta do something to get through a case of The Mondays.

Today I made the ingenious discovery that single 18650 silicone battery sleeves, which we have in mass quantities around the shop, make an excellent kayak/canoe for Weird Plastic Baby.

"Battery Safety"

WPB took a swim in the 50ml bottle backstock.

"Poppin Bottles"

Many vaporizers receive their rechargeable power through an eGo-to-USB charger like what you see here. WPB getting tangled up in the "power struggle".


We make over one hundred flavors of eliquid in house, and there's always juice that needs to be filled and put on the shelves. WPB is hanging tight.

"Shelf Space"

Previous Steemit Adventures of Weird Plastic Baby:

Weird Plastic Baby: Fungus Edition
Weird Plastic Baby: Playing in the paints
Weird Plastic Baby: Winter Ramblings
Weird Plastic Baby: Break in those Chucks
Weird Plastic Baby + Ukulele
Weird Plastic Baby: Origin story

Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!

Click here to read my Steemit intro to learn more about what I'm all about.

ALL proceeds from my Steemit account go toward furthering my dreams of being a full time artist and creator. This includes needed equipment, recording costs, gas to and from out of state gigs, and things like food when I'm on the road. To be a full-time creator has been my goal for as long as I can remember, and your upvotes absolutely help me get there. All of my love and thanks to you.💚

All photos, unless otherwise credited, are taken or edited/altered by me and are all hosted at Imgur.


Can I have Weird Plastic Baby's autograph?!

WPB can't read or write. It is a travesty, really.

They sure don't make them like they used to...



Great upvoted and followed.

Thank you! WPB is always up to some fun antics!

You're welcome. Wishing you all the best.

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