
We are having daytime temps above freezing so it is melting rapidly and is in that dirty slushy stage right now.

Oh that's ugly but at least it ain't bitter cold. How's it been going? How's today been for you?

I got a whole string of downvotes from that mmmmkkk311 jerk. One for over 1.00 and I really don't care about loosing the money, but it is just so demotivating to realize that there are mean people like him on Steem. I didn't do a Sunday post and have hardly made any comments today. It's hard to stay cheerful with people like him around.

Oh no! I hate that stuff. I know several people who consistently get 20 or 30 downvotes on every post and mepatriot gets hundreds so there are some hateful people out there and who knows why they're doing this.

I totally would be discouraged too. Does he make comments to give any indication what his problem is? Is he hitting every post now?

People say that the downvoting is important to have here but I just wish there wasn't any.

He downvotes me because I give out SBI for my contest prizes and for the EL prize I sponsor. Since I refuse to let him bully me, I need to toughen up and expect his votes. His downvote is nothing compared to the lifetime of upvotes I will get from SBI.

Oh THAT guy! Yeah he has this battle going with SBI which is so stupid. Wow, yeah if you know they're coming then it should be easier to ignore. I'm sure he'll stop at some point, hopefully in the very near future.

I hope you are right, but he bought more Steem and now his downvotes are even bigger and he has scared away people from buying SBI.

Oh great. I wish steemitinc. would step in on some of these situations which are just harmful to the platform!

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