Sacred Geometry #01 - Spirals, Fibonacci Sequence & Golden Ratio

As promised in my previous post Pink Bloom I am going tell you something about spirals and the cosmic principles. I cannot post all the relevant pictures and sketches, because I do only post original, authentic content of my own.

The spiral is one, if not the most common formula of creation in the whole universe.
You find spirals everywhere in nature and beyond, in microcosm as in macrocosm, in little as in big.
That’s the third cosmic principle, according to Hermes Trismegistos, the law of anology.

Not only our galaxy, the Milky Way, has the form of a spiral, many other (smaller) things have it too, like the atomic structure and the structure of our DNA (which is in fact more a swirl than a spiral).
A well-known spiral in the animal kingdom is the snail, but also other animals, such as seahorses, prawns or the Chameleon have bodies or parts of it in the form of a spiral.

There are also a lot of floral spirals to be found, such as in farns, sunflowers, fir cones and in romanesco cauliflowers. But even when you look at various trees and flowers, you can see the spiral or a spiral growth, because growth is never linear it is always spiral or helical. It’s the same with water, than never runs straight. Only in channels it seems to flow straight, but even there it’s swirled by rocks or other obstacles.

flowering papaya tree

papaya flower

The spiral contains and transports a special energy that is finally connected to the torus, the universal energetic pattern, that every creature without exception surrounds and pervades, and the gravitational and levitational energies therein.

We know that the eagle glides in spirals down- and upwards, until he detects its prey. Then he shoots down to attack.
In Cameroon I saw how butterflies in their mating dance swirl up and down in the air, of course in spirals, using the spiral energies for their dance.

Observing our galaxy, we must admit that the general claim, the sun in our or in any solar system is a fixed star and the planets are rotating in ellipses around the sun cannot be true. There is nothing static in the universe, at most the mental potential, thus the omnipresent creative genius. Everything is dynamic and in motion and so is the sun. The sun is on a spiral orbit in or around the arm of Orion in direction to the galactic center. Thus, all the planets aren’t rotating around the sun, but swirling around it, following the gravitational energy. There’re even rumors, that our sun has a sister star, with which it is spiraling through the galaxy.

Seen from a mathematical, biological and spiritual perspective, spirals have a astonishing potential as well.

Fundamentally, we can distinguish two different but similar spirals. The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence.
I won’t discuss them in every detail. For a detailed description you can do your own research. But what is important is, that they both have the quotient Phi as their base, the elongation of the Golden Ratio is exactly based on Phi and it is absolutely infinite in both direction, based on a fractal pattern. The Golden Ratio is so to say the divine proportion that is never really achieved in nature. Therefore creation has invented its own ratio, the Fibonacci Sequence, that always tries to reach the quotient Phi, but never reaches it, always aiming a little higher or lower than Phi. Always approaching it more and more, but never reaching it. It is only in one direction endless, but it begins by 1 and goes on such, that it always adds the previous number to the actual one, to reach the next number. Thus:
1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
1, 1+0=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8, etc.

The quotient of two following numbers is nearly phi, and the further you go upwards in numbers you couldn’t make a real difference anymore.
The importance hereby is, that the quotient phi is the base for every proportion in nature. The propotions of our human body and every other animal or plant are based on phi. Even the distances and proportions in our solar system are based on Phi.

And this all is connected to the Fibonacci Spiral and the Torus.

So that’s it!
I hope you are confused now! And if you are, leave me some comments and stay steemed for the next discussion on this topic, perhaps concerning torus and toroidal structures.

Love, Unity & Abundance


Very nice. Thank you. I love that chameleon!

Thank you, I almost mist the beautiful, tiny creature!

I love me some sacred geometry. The way one can easily see the Divine in Nature.

You see it everywhere, when you know the matrix code. You just have to open your eyes and see!

Sweet photos, I love the beauty of sacred geometry it makes so much sense.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I'll try to post more of that!

beautiful photography. Regarding spirals, I know walking a spiral, unicursal maze can be quite calming. I've written several stories about this and the metaphysical effects :)

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