
Hi mate, nice to hear :) What's Eleusis? :)

Eleusis (Elefsis) is a site near Athens. Around 2 thousand yrs ago every year, thousands of people visited it (usually around September) to be initiated into "The Mysteries". Basically, it sounds like it was a massive Glastonbury Festival scenario - attended by all sorts of people from Plato and Hadrian to slaves.

You would arrive, walk and dance and kill a pig to eat later (Hog Roast stall). The partying went on for about a week. At the climax, everyone would go through a ceremony and drink some kind of psychoactive drink (kykeon) and have a mystical experience that left them with no fear of death.

I've made it sound like a riot (which it possibly was) but it was a tremendously sacred event for many. The Mysteries interested and concerned Plato all his life.

But everything had to be kept secret - the penalty for telling anyone what went on was death so we can only really guess what happened.

Some of the psychonauts believe it was all in the kykeon but there's so much more to it than that. If you go, please post about it for me - thanks :)

Thank you for the very informative explanation. If i only knew this before, as we are already back from this trip. It seems that you will need to go there yourself and tell us how it went :)

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