"King of a sand castle" / Documental Photography / Wild Nature Feel / FrameToFrame

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Today, as we promised in the previous publication we present the last photographic series made by one of our members (Wild Nature feel).

Hoy, como os prometimos en la anterior publicación os presentamos la ultima serie fotografica de genero documental realizada por uno de nuestros miembros ( Wild Nature feel).
Logo wild nature feel SLOGAN.png

Tambien, un texto que acompaña el contexto de las imagenes, sin mas dilación, espero que disfruteis del contenido:

Also, a text that accompanies the context of the images, without further delay, we hope you enjoy the content:

Algo para escuchar durante la lectura y visionado de las fotos:
Something to listen to while reading and viewing the photos:

En esta serie llamada “ Rey de un castillo de arena” muestro el encuentro con manolo, un experimentado y castigado pescador de la zona de Mazarrón.
Lo conocí en la playa, mientras paseaba, vi a un hombre sin levantar cabeza tejiendo enormes redes y me causo interés como para documentar su labor.
Mientras le fotografiaba, me contaba con gran orgullo como mantenía un negocio pesquero, con varios barcos que salían todas las mañanas a aprovechar la bajamar, como sus hijos y nietos al frente de esos barcos ,le ayudaban .
Al poco de guardar la cámara y comenzar a despedirme de manolo, llego uno de sus hijos.. al parecer Manolo, se había escapado de casa, fruto de una enfermedad mental que le impide salir de ese bucle temporal en su cabeza que le ata a tejer redes en esa playa de bol nuevo..

In this series called "King of a sand castle" I show the encounter with Manolo, an experienced and punished fisherman from the area of ​​Mazarrón.
I met him on the beach, while I was walking, I saw a man without raising his head weaving huge nets and I was interested to document his work.
While I was taking photos, he told me with great pride how he maintained a fishing business, with some boats that went every morning to take advantage of the low tide .. as his children and grandchildren in front of those boats, they helped him.
Shortly after saving the camera and starting to say goodbye to Manolo, one of his children arrived ... Apparently Manolo, had run away from home, the result of a mental illness that prevents him from leaving that temporary loop in his head that binds him weave nets in that beach of bolnuevo ..

I met king of a suncastle.jpg

Conocí a un rey de un castillo de arena / I Met a king of a suncastle

2. Su historia escrita en sus manos, como el viento en la piedra....jpg

Su historia escrita en sus manos, como el viento en la piedra... / * his history writed in his hands, like the wind in the rock*

3. Su recuerdo, a la deriva.jpg

Su recuerdo, a la deriva / his memories, adrift

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#Photography #Wildnaturefeel #Reydeuncastillodearena #Documentalphotography #artistphotography #FrametoFrame


Is this a true story? It’s rather sad that he’s suffering, but lovely that his family looks after him. Does the man have Alzheimer’s? My gran suffered early senile dementia from decades of a disorder that caused mini strokes. Before we were regrettably forced to put her in a nursing home, she would think she still had to work at her job from which she’d long before retired. We visited her daily in the home, but she always begged to go home, often weeping over what she believed she still need to do but was being prevented from doing.

Hi @momzillanc .

Yes, it's a real story, as you say it has its tragic and beautiful / romantic side, thanks to the photography I enjoyed both, because that man really enjoyed what he did and what he saw as the passion for fishing in his eyes.
I really regret what you tell me is very tragic a disease like Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s is a tragic illness. But, medical researchers think they will find an answer for someone who is alive today who will develop the illness. The condition my gran had wasn’t Alzheimer’s, but the results were the same. She lost herself. The only two people she never forgot were me and my grandfather. She lost her recognition of everyone else by the end, after a decade in the nursing home. My poor grandfather went there every single day, sometimes twice a day. I went every chance I got after my husband and I moved from MO to NC to be near her and my grandfather. He passed a few months before she did in 2009. They were the kind of elderly couple you see walking hand in hand through the shops or the mall. And, they always hurried back to each other when they had to be apart… even at the end.

An incredible and touching story that you tell me, I regret the bad moments and I am happy for all the good ones that have happened to you.
As you say it is a very hard disease for the patient but above all for the family.

Greetings and encourage, friend :)

Hi! That's awesome! I have no idea how this can be done. Beautiful photographs. I've never seen anything like it. I'm not a photographer, but I just press this button a lot every day, heh . Great post! By the way, I also liked the music. I wish you success in our community:). I follow You

I'm glad you like my friend, if you want to know how to make these photos follow our course you will learn :)

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