SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry - Flowers! - Entry 1, 2 and 3

Three flowers for the Steemit PhotoChallenge. Which ones do you think I eat?

Look at how this Bittercress flowerheads spirals from the newest buds in the center, to the blossoms, to the emerging seedpods, and then to the maturing seedpods on the outside. Sony RX-10, f2.8, 1/200 sec, ISO-125

A Peony Tulip. It looks like a Peony. But it's a Tulip! Sony RX-10, f4.5, 1/800 sec, ISO-125

A sea of green and white. Samsung Galaxy 5 phone

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead


They are all three lovely in their own way. Don't think I have ever seen (or heard of) a Peony Tulip before; it's quite lovely. The 3rd one reminds me of a flowering bush we have here... I think it's layman's name is "Angel Delight" or something like that.

Thanks, @denmarkguy! I don't know what that last bush is, but it sure make a great groundcover/short shrub. Peony Tulips are a neat style of tulip. They don't hold up too well in the rain, because that great big flowerhead catches a lot of rain -- so the whole head bends over to the ground pretty quick. These were at my local post office, around the building.

I am thinking you are going to eat the bittercress flower :) All three are beautiful pictures. Hope you win!

Yes, indeed! I eat a lot of this little bittercress! It's an invasive weed that gets spread by the landscaping industry. But at least it's good to eat. I do eat tulip petals, but these were at my local Post office. So, it was better if I left them, lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. There are so many pretty flowers out there!

All the photos are beautiful. From my point of view, the first is good technically. Flower is better outlined due to the depth of field. It's my opinion. Maybe I'm subjective but I love macro photography. :)

Thanks, @ileana56! I like the first one best, too. There is more going on, with all the buds, flowers, and seedpods at different stages. I appreciate a technical review, too! That low depth of field makes it look like the tiny flower is reaching out. Enjoy the macros here on Steemit! :D

Hi Haphazard! We know each other from another life, named tsu life, remember? We used to post about gardening :)

Hey, noborders! I'm so glad you are here on Steemit -- finally! There are a lot of people here that will welcome you! Here's a post I wrote, long ago, for the TSU Veterans facebook group, that compares TSU and Steemit. Some things are different, but much of it still applies. I think you will see plenty of familiar names around here. And there are a lot of gardening fans, too. Steemit, and the Steem blockchain, are a complex ecosystem. But I hope you enjoy it here and have a lot of success!

Thank you for the info, it's definitely helpful!

All three images are really lovely and beautiful but i think the first one is unique really awesome and perfect for the photo challenge. Best of luck for all your efforts.

Thanks, @anayakhan. Flowers are pretty! Thanks for stopping in - and I hope you are enjoying some flowers, too! : )

I think the first 2 are edible, not sure about the 3rd one

Yes, indeed! You know what's good to eat! I don't what that 3rd plant even is. It's some shrub that was planted as a groundcover. It covered a huge area.

I knew the answer because I remember some of your posts about edible flowers in tsu. You see? I pay attention to your teachings! 😁

Im guessing the Bittercress coz that name seems to sound familiar lol.

I'm going to get you to know these plants, yet -- just by sheer repetition! You are right -- I eat a lot of bittercress. Like in that Olive-Gingko Nut Salad for the Steemit Iron Chef. I do eat Tulip petals, too..... if I know they aren't sprayed. They have a variety of flavors!

Beautiful photos of the flowers! I especially like the Peony Tulip. They have sweet color!

I think you eat this Tulip...., right? ;)

I do eat tulips! :D The petals. I've been surprised at how many different flavors there are. But none of them are real strong flavors. I'm glad you liked the Peony Tulip. They were so pretty, with such big flowers.

Oh! That's great; the tulips are good for both eating and seeing.... Yes, they are so pretty, with such big flowers, as you said, indeed! ;)

aweaome photography my dear friend @haphazard-hstead i love your post
i like this floelwer,,,, DQmVS2ozYe6T5a2HfwPqAcNS5mWTyifzz2v2j765PjM1W5R_1680x8400.jpeg
I always upvote and comment on your post, to tell the truth, I like your post, you can write a lot of good, I like all of your posts, thank you for this post, I'm waiting for you to post when you (because I Love you)@alimuddin

Wow nice photography my dear @haphazard-hstead i love your this flower photos

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