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RE: Color in my Garden

So sorry to hear about your continued heat and drought! It's so hard to give up on plants that we've known and cared for. It is a real loss!

But those bouganvillea will make it. They are so tough. Have you ever considered Lantana? When I lived in Arizona, they would grow in harsh places that never got supplemental water, like vacant lots. They bloom happily in the worst conditions and butterflies seem to like them a lot.


I will definitely investigate Lantana, thanks for the suggestion. Was checking long term weather forecasts (we do this daily) .. not a cloud in sight for the next three weeks...ouch.

Here's a wikipedia link about the plant I'm talking about. I didn't realize it was considered invasive in some parts of the world. So I thought I better add this to our discussion. If you do ever use it, it sounds like cutting back the flowerheads before they set seed would be a good idea! Lantana camera. I see this plant sold in nurseries in the Southwest US, so maybe it's not as bad a this article makes it out to be. Here's to rain for you -- soon!

In another comment thread, @breezin says they are invasive where they are in South Africa. And that they are problems for cattle, goats, and sheep. So maybe Lantana are not the best solution for a drought tolerant garden plant in your area, pretty though they may be. Drought is such a challenge!

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