A Glimpse of Paradise in our Sustainable Community, a Poetic Tale Through the Eyes of Shellie AKA @everlove

in #photography8 years ago

We share a guest post today by our ever lovely @everlove, detailing an average day in her life here at the Garden of Eden!

A Few Moments in the life of Shellie...

I sleep with fresh air dancing across my face.
And I rest till I feel rested.

I awaken to the bird’s song
and a moment for a breath in gratitude of being alive!
I bounce out of bed as I can’t wait another
moment to begin another  joyous day.

We have faeries that pop into the vortex
And perform amazing acts of kindness.

One sneaks into our kitchen and does her magic,
So when I arise in the morning,
the kitchen has been put back into tidy order.

OMG!!  What a blessing!
This is but one of the few miracles that often grace my day.

I have 24/7 immediate access to fresh, homegrown loved food by nature’s blessing,
all the sustainably harvested materials and donors,
and those faeries here who attend our gardens we built together by hand.


Ten star meals appear on my table, often plated and served to me in my own special bowl.
And it is not unusual for this to happen multiple times a day!
--Vegetarian, vegan, raw or to my liking,
made from fresh ingredients picked just moments before going into the dish.
And I feast on fresh eggs from our chickens
that everyday just somehow appear in the kitchen.


I receive surprise presents throughout my day from people who love me

-- a fresh smoothie bowl,

a new hand-me-down garment,

a fresh herbal homemade dressing

for my overly abundant bowl of fresh picked Eden greens, 

a sweet impromptu massage,
herbal water custom made everyday,

a hug from the heart,
a game of chase around the kitchen island,
a concert of the didgeridoo,
a kind word from a stranger at the gate,
love from our bankers and postal workers and others from our community,
emails of encouragement,
people asking for guidance or
expressing gratitude for inspiration of hope for a better tomorrow,   

I may receive donations,

get some dirt under my nails in the garden

explore my creative juices for inspired beautiful works of art in our home,

sweep the floor or wash the windows,
make posts with photos and videos about the unfoldings at Eden,
take a sunbath,
or give a massage under the moon.  

I oversee much of the workings of the day-to-day Garden of Eden.  
EVER blessed with capable people investing themselves fully.

The most joyous part of my day is, without a doubt,

playing with the children to our heart’s content.  


We play together building forts,
dancing ecstatically,
being mariposas in the yard,
playing trampoline games,
having fresh in the garden picking picnics,
planting seeds,
playing dress-up,
making sound,
mixing cobb or lemonade.... 

I get to be a part of their world

and get to live my life

through the eyes and heart of a child.  


When the days are scorching hot, our well-shower is always at the perfect refreshing temperature to cool my warm body.  And when the days are cold, the copper tube wrapped wood stove pipe provides a hot shower to end my day.


My sleep schedule is whatever I want it to be
as all of the time I have is my own.

I have few obligations
as I love the spontaneity of a dedicated life to such a powerful vision.

I am living with people who are living for purpose
and dedicating their lives to making the world a better place.

Every day we each immerse ourselves
in being the best we can be in expressing our passion,
And sharing it prolifically with each other.

We are real,
and courageous,
doing the work of evolving in consciousness--
Embracing the moment in awareness
to take responsibility for our own existence.

There are often unbelievable
and unexpected things that happen in the GOE,
sometimes on a daily basis. 

Even a written sitcom or a reality show
could not capture or compare
with a life this raw and varied as in Eden. 

And there is an entire world that revolves around me here
that are taken care of without my concern
--like websites
and newsletters,

booking and organization for festivals,


animal care,
compost making,
greens juicing,

and a bazillion other realities of their own.   

Quinn takes care of the bigger picture,
is a catalyst
and a master alchemist,
creating an opportunity for others to live the exceptional life of their choosing.  

I choose a life of love to support this amazing vision.  

My needs are met by living for values as I align myself with well-being.

I see the importance of building a life based on love, not on fear.

I don’t worry about my well-being tomorrow,
or if I will have enough money for retirement.

I don’t have medical appointments,
alarm clocks,
rush hours or
shopping trips.

I don’t have a schedule
or a boss,
I don’t work for a paycheck
or have lots of expenses.

I don’t give my life away
to a corporate world I don’t find beneficial,
I don’t have fear about my tomorrow, as

if it is but a fraction of today,

I am blessed.

I breathe in the sunset,
and the hope of a new planetary paradise.

That may seem idealistic to some,

but we are living it here at
the Garden of Eden

So I know that it is possible.  

In fact, it already exists!!

This is a whole new world!  

Living it and loving it--




What a beautiful LIFE! @everlove is full of grace and generosity, and it is a pleasure to share your perspective. Finding gratitude in the smallest details is inspiring and uplifting, and I'm thankful that you share with us!

Wow! What a pleasure it is to be immersed in a life that is so cutting edge and dedicated to serving humanity in every way. A life worth living and a perspective worth sharing. So grateful to be doing both.

Wow, what an awesome post. Really love seeing and reading this beautiful poetry of paradise~*~

What a life I live!!! I pinch myself everyday as a reminder that it is real and that I'm actually DOING it!! I'm so grateful to be doing it with all of you. <3

This is a truly inspiring view of a truly unique place. Hopefully many will tune in to the profound possibilities of such a reality!

Very interesting life style...wow. Up voted and up vote appreciated.

Thanks for tuning in with me. LIfe is truly interesting here--so many opportunities to be of service. I'm so grateful my passions align with my contributions. That makes for an incredibly enjoyable life.

We don't know anyone living like we do, which is why we feel it is important to share! There are alternatives to the standard old paradigm! Thank you for your support.

What a beautiful thing to be able to serve others and feed your own soul at the same time. Blessings to all @gardenofeden @everlove @quinneaker

It is absolutely incredible to live in a place where what feels good to the soul is also of great benefit to others. May everyone be so happy and free!

Indeed!!! I can only imagine what a world this would be if everyone got to do the things they loved and shared it with others everyday. Soulful living FTW!!! Infinite blessings in return.

There are so many amazing things about my life and I'm continually inspired by the possibilities unfolding at the Garden of Eden. When people come here they are astounded at how different life can be as we truly are living a whole new world. I'm so grateful you are sharing my perspective. Blessings!

We're grateful you share your perspective! It's wonderful to be around someone so inspired and motivated.

You are so blessed and though it may be hard work, I'm sure it doesn't feel that way when you're aligned with love and purpose. I can feel your sense of self in this post and it's amazing to get a glimpse of that light. Ah, to have a retreat into your world...

It is amazing how easy and enjoyable life can become when living this kind of existence. People are generally so far from this, as we have been shown that we must live for the all mighty dollar instead of living for love. Sadly, most people need to take a retreat from their lives, which unfortunately they only get to do a couple of weeks out of the entire year on vacation. My life is a vacation and I play in the life of my own juicy creation. Thank you for being here with me and feeling the possibilities. Bless.

Grateful for your recognition of truly unique and divine beauty!

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Holy smokes, now I want to move to Arlington, TX..

Hehehehe! If people really knew how awesome it was, how life can actually unfold so magically, and what it is that we are really doing here (creating a whole new paradigm of living), they too would be inspired for a life of thrival. Even though this may not be the life for everyone, there is surely something that we can each do to make our lives more sustainable and be of service to mankind which will make the world go around very abundantly. Thanks for being here with me @damono

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