The Orimattila Domestic Animal Farm

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Walk with me.


Last thursday I took my boys Miro and Leo to see some animals at a domestic animal farm in Orimattila.

I have a feeling this is going to be a somewhat long post so brace yourselves, for there'll be a lot of photos to look through.

I wish you will watch them all through and leave me a lot of comments and discussions!

Since I love seeing people discuss things, I will be extra generous with upvotes today towards those who spark cool conversations! :)

But no more chit-chatting on my part, on with the photos!!!

The map of the farm.


Shetland Ponies

A Finnhorse & its foal

Ostrich (Struthio camelus)


Ohrapirtelö (= "barley milkshake", some people call beer in Finland "ohrapirtelö") and Osuma (="hit" as in "hit a target") were two of the calves we also saw at the farm. The other ones were named Playboy and Postipoika (="post boy"). I guess someone had had a few beers when naming them.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes, the calf is taking a piss.

Osuma, the other calf in the same enclosure.

Ohrapirtelö & Osuma

Playboy and...


The Finnish cows say "Ammuu!"

Little piggies


We saw these guys in Lapland last Summer, right?

"Oh no... not those paparazzi guys again!"

Varis – Hooded crow (Corvus corone cornix)

I also spotted a hooded crow, but it was almost too quick for my camera.

A playground!

An animal farm wouldn't be complete without a children's playground...

Hop! On we go...

...and over the raging rivers, or maybe desert...

...finally passing to the other side.

When the boys had arrived, they were greeted by...

Um... what was it again... Who is this?

Hey it was Baah and his mate Beeh!

Dramatic sheep.

I have a series of three photos leading up to this one, and it would make a funny meme gif, if only I really knew how to make them.

Could this lamb look more smug? ;)

A duck – swimming – in a pond.


The boys found some time to read the map in a carousel.

A lazy peacock...

...and his mate.


Domestic pigeon

A cat...

...and her litter.

They weren't all visible, but we gather there were more than the two we saw.

Finally some, possibly Karelian bear dog puppies.

A pig...

...and a white bunnyrabbit.

There were some indigenous people also... oh, it's just Leo and Miro.

...but they had fun! :)

...and icecream.

After we had seen all the animals, we bought ourselves some ice cream before the farm closed, and sat down in the front terrace to eat them.

A silo.

As we were having our ice cream, Miro was wondering what this building was behind our car. I explained it was a grain elevator, a silo for reserving grains.

The very last animal we met on the trip was this unusual looking fellow. I gather it is a smaller individual of the large pine weevil (Hylobius_abietis). I've only seen them in Lapland before, but one of these landed in the hair of Miro when we were eating icecream.

Pine weevil (Hylobius abietis)

That's it, I think, that if you reached this point, you may pat yourself on the back, as it was a long post. :)

See you later with more fun photos!

[Previous post: One photo every day: Yet another sunset (331/365)]

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wow, very beautiful photo, I like your way of taking the picture, so that your photo looks very good, I really salute to people who have soul art, because the soul of art is not owned by everyone, and art has a very high price. Thanks for sharing, and wish you a wonderful day....

wow, very beautiful photo

Which one of the 40 are you referring to?

You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!!

i am always with your side with bunghole @cornholio

What does bunghole means Dear? i put the word to google translate but it repeat the same pronunciation in my language :D

@cornholio is a bot, and bunghole means pretty much the same as its name cornholio.

Why cornholio upvote/Comment? if it found any language mixing except English? If it upvote then is it create any problem with steemit account? What to do if anyone use 2 languages together in same post ? @gamer00

Friend Jaro as you well know, I must tell you that the photos are really great.
But as a father I must emphasize that the happy face of your two children is priceless, one as a father also enjoys only seeing them very happy. Thank you for sharing these moments with your family.
After everything that happened yesterday, this gives peace of mind to remember good times.

Sir you visit Orimattila Domestic Animal Farm
physically and we visit through your post🤩😍🤗. so much beautiful photographs especially Leo and miro's. those beeh and baah :p that white bunny rabbit 😍. Bunny rabbit is my favourite 😍🤗. and that little cute white lamb 😘😘. all n all all photographs are superb 👌

You are an exemplary father, I like the way you treat your children and that you like to take walks with them is great, I think you are instilling good habits because when they grow up they will be like this with their children

The photos were incredible, they really were many, the map of that farm is very big! what a good walk

Thanks, I'll try being the best they can have, but somehow I think I'm failing, and at least doubting my exemplaryness.

I just heard Miro needs to change schools because at his present school they can't handle his eccentricity. Not something I'd want any father to hear.

Hello, friend, but I know that this can be improved. I recommend that you take an hour a day and practice sports with him, you know that you are a good father and if I tell you several times that it is to give you moral support, personally that motivates me. ! I hope the situation can be improved with Miro, who is surely a good boy

Seeing the ostrich, it makes me think of how some animals are considered delicacies in one countries while in others eating them is absolutely unimaginable. I mean,in China and Australia there are quite some restaurants already where eating mealworms or Ostrich meat is absolutely normal, while we would probably feel squeamish about doing so. At the same time, Eurpoeans enjoy drinking milk or eating cheese, while Chinese people consider this as distasteful and repellent.

Interesting how much we are comfortable in our consciousness, for neutrally speaking, eating insects is not less appetizing than eating meat of any kind. Just what we grew up with.

Boys looked happy and a ice cream is always a winner. I like that you spend quality time with them and learning about animals is great for kids so very niceley done ol son

Seems like it was a neat farm. The little horses reminded me of Lil Sebastian from Parks and Rec. "He's a little horse!"

I wonder what the person naming the animals was thinking. You may be right that they had already consumed a few too many. Ha ha.

Thanks for taking us on the walk. Don't keep the weevil. :)

When i saw the first photo in thumbnail of the post, i start to think where @gamer00 got this dinosaur :O After watching the post i guess this legs are of Ostrich's. The picture of little cow made me laugh as it look like they are wearing ring on their ear :)

Your children are very beautiful, God bless you all, I love knowing that there are parents like you ... I found it curious what the cows have in their ears, I think that is how they recognize each one, in the field of My grandfather mark the cows with a letter on the body, marked with a hot access

great walk with many photos


The marks on their ears are called "earmarks" it has recently been more common to mark production animals with an attachable tag than a cutting in their ear.

Miro looked amusing in the totem pole picture. He must have been super excited. Where in Orimattila is that place? That's one big silo. I'm guessing those metal tanks behind it are for animal fodder?

Both have a happy face. It seems they had a lot of fun, that's good for them.

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