Awesome motorbike!

in #photography6 years ago

Hi all!

I took Leo to Nurmijärvi, and when I came back this awesome bike was in front of our building.

Turned out a friend of mine from my last year's rehab course was visiting at a neighbour of ours, and was just leaving when I got home. We ended up chatting, and he was kind enough to let me photograph his wheels too.

He had moved out of town so he had driven over 300 kilometers to come visit his hometown. It was a fine chat as we ended up talking for over 2 hours, lot of catching up to do I guess.

Yeah, it seems I didn't manage taking a break yet after all. Anyway, early rise tomorrow, as I'm off to the gym again in the morning. Got to get some sleep before it, as I guess @omsoc is not going to go easy on me. Last time was pure torture. :D But it was good.

See you guys! I'll likely do a dlive stream tomorrow mid-day. Maybe at 1 o'clock, exactly 12 hours from now. I'm planning to play some childhood game of mine, so it'll be a retro-gaming stream.
(I know, I should do something photography related one day too, but I haven't yet figured out what. Maybe you can give me some pointers! *hint* *hint*)

[Previous post: One photo every day: Final day! My trip to Pernaja, the birthplace of Agricola, the father of the written Finnish language (365/365)]

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Nice bike! Really good boober project :) Looks amazing

Wow that bike is awesome but I hate the seat of it!It's too short for me lol :D
By the way nice photography Jaro!



A custom bobber! Although bobbers are mostly custom but still.........

Got to love this beautiful style that finally evolved into the chopper. Great photo my man!

That a super cool bike.It seems that you like bike very much.I hope both of you enjoyed the time while you were chatting. A ride would've been even better.Thanks for sharing with us.

Such a beautiful and unique and discussion with friends always have been a good experience for me..I hope it will have been a fresh time for you...true friends are blessing of God.I was just thinking I sit behind my husband or brother on bike while I have to go anywhere..what will we do if we have this kind of bike????😊😊

Oh really it's a awesome bike! Also wonderful photographs. Now i wish could have a long journey by this bike with my husband!

This bike is really looking great but I can only anjoy that from adistance as I know my limitation.

Very dashing bike

Truly super impressive, as it should be to travel more than 300 kilometers on that motorbike. Wow awesome ..
Good talk he had with his friend. a question by chance I talk about STEEMIT. just asking. haha there is no problem if you do not answer me, same is appreciated.

Ok I can suggest,:
1.- A photo every time you want, without obligation.
2.- One photo every three days
3.- A photo in the week.

What a bad thing for me, at the time that you will make the transmission, I will be going out to take my daughters to school and then to college, I must apply an exam to my students.

A fine piece of the traditional beauty! I can understand the feeling when we meet a friend after so long! There just chats and chats about the good memories spent together. I am sure it would have made your day!!

I wouldn't be able to join your stream because it is my sleep time (3Am).

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