Aikakone Concert and Dogs in Syke

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Today we were at the Syke shopping centre ("syke" = "heartbeat") petshop Musti & Mirri, visiting an event where a local pet union had brought their dogs for petting and to familiarize with. It was fun for the boys.

Bernese Mountain Dog
A Bernese Mountain Dog & Leo

There was also an old 90's singing group Aikakone ("time machine") performing on the stage, but Miro soon got bored listening and wanted to go home. So Vera took him home on a bus, and Leo stayed behind with me, as we were to go shopping for clothes later.

Aikakone 1
Aikakone performing the song Neiti Groove (Miss Groove)

Aikakone made their fame (and were mostly active) in 1995-1998. In 2001 they made a comeback under the name "Aika" ("Time"), which they later in 2003 changed back into Aikakone, and paused their production soon thereafter. In 2008 they released Greatest Hits collection and started touring again.

Neiti Groove:

Is she looking at my camera?

Their another original lead singer, Vera Puurula had quit the band in 2013, but her place was eventually filled by Jazu (Jasmin Hertzberg), who seems to love cameras. :)

Tähtikaaren taa:

Sani (Saija Aartela)


She's still checking out my camera!

The male members of the band are Alex (Alex Ojasti) and Maki (Marko Kolehmainen).

They really like performing together I think. :)

Sani, Jazu & Maki


Alex & Sani

I must be a very interesting photographer.

Oh yes, I was the only one with a real camera, all the other people only had cellphones or those thumbcam video cameras. Maybe she thought I was a member of the press.

Aikakone panorama
Panorama: The whole band Aikakone

Returning back to the pet shop we met Rasmus:

Rasmus was also very interested in my camera.

Rasmus is a lovely Old English Sheepdog who really loved to lick people's faces and ears. Gladly my allergies were at bay and I didn't get any reaction this time.

While we were there, Leo and I also met Siiri, a black Labrador Retriever.

She was very shy at first, kept her tail between her legs and almost shook when people got too close.

Siiri, the Labrador Retriever

It didn't take long for her to relax and start showing off. :)

"I'll do anything for those yummy treats..."

The rest of the day went by as we were washing the car, scouring the shops for new socks and underware for Leo and Miro, and back home for some pizza and games (Leo & Miro), and mine as I was writing this Steem article. :)

I sure had a great day, and I hope you liked it too.

See you guys tomorrow!

[Previous post: One photo every day: Aikakone (307/365)]

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Definitely she looked at you! I think you are crazy with their music! (I didn't watched videos yet) Vera loss that moment! Anyway I think you already covered it for her!


Seriously! You didn’t know that she forgot her glasses at home!! So she couldn’t see very far, so she kept smilking and looking straight all the time to maintain her confidence! Hahaha!

Actually you reminded her of her professor during her last year at college. She had a secret crash on him!

That’s really a long day for you and the boys! That means you niw have lots of energy! So good!


@gamer00 - Sir I think you are a good fan of 'Time Machine' & that lady has noted you... Fabulous experience you shared with Steemian Sir... Thank you...


Before making any comments. I started to listen to all the songs, I really liked that style. It must be good because it is a contemporary music with my age. Sounds very good.

oh I love shy dogs, a family event really cool, a question someone knows what is that orange harness Siiri is wearing, some kind of guide dog?

All the dogs that were a part of the event had a similar harness. They were brought there by Suomen Karva-Kaverit ry, which is a pet owners' union, and the harnesses were printed with this union's logos to separate them from the pet shop's normal visitors.

ok as an identification as a member cool.

aww, the fantastic day you guys spent ️❤️. love to read your whole day out ❤️❤️.

Oh yes, I was the only one with a real camera, all the other people only had cellphones or those thumbcam video cameras. Maybe she thought I was a member of the press.

heheh lolz sir that's why she is looking at you curiously:p

Hi Gamer. The Finnish ABBA. Looks like you had a good day.

Dear Jaro, I think you've had a very interesting day and you'll remember it for a while, because you've left the usual routine or at least that's what you make us see. For Leo, the experience with animals will generate many values that all humans should have, thanks for teaching him that. The band Aikakone sounds very good, I think that captivated for a moment to Jazu with his camera, good work.

What a great day, haa! Your boy seems to really love animals!))

Yup buddy ...........she was totally looking at you! and I am sure that it was more than just your photography skills ;-)


I was trying to imply something along those lines when I showed the photos to my wife, but she shrugged and told me she probably mistook me for a paper journo. Hah, it was my good looks surely. ;)

HA ha!

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