What was once the most imposing European Casino, nowadays is a ruin! #part2

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

What a pity!

Almost one month ago I have told you about the Constanta Casino located on Queen Elisabeta boulevard, Constanta, Romania. Then, the landscape was a little bit different! All was covered by the ice, was -2 Celsius degrees and the sea was almost frozen. You can view the difference here ! One month ago
Now, after one month the view it's changed by the heat of the spring! It's a perfect afternoon for a walk, to feel the sea breeze, to hear the sound of the seagulls and just feel you are alive!

As I told you in the last post, the Casino it's in ruin for decades. The last renovation of the monument was just before the Revolution in 1986. If you want to read more

Even that, you should come to visit Constanta for a great experience! The casino would be still here waiting for visitators!

Some details about the Casino:
Location: Constanta, Romania
Adress: Queen Elizabeth boulevard
Built: 1880
Demolished: between 1891-1907
Rebuilt 1893-1910
Architect: Daniel Renard; Petre Antonescu
Architectural style(s): Art Nouveau



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Am trecut astazi pe langa el... arata atat de prost, incat nici nu l-am fotografiat pentru post-ul meu de astazi de pe steemit. Este detinut de primarie, si din ce stiu eu, chiar are fonduri europene alocate pentru reparatii. Din pacate, el este blicat in lupta pentru licitatii si interese locale. Un mare pacat...

Eu l-aș cumpăra, renova și reda splendoarea de demult. Dar din păcate nu este de vânzare și nu există interes pentru a fi repus în circulație.

Sunt interese ascunse. Statul nu vrea nici sa renunțe la el..nici sa il vândă. Asta este problema.

Zici că parcă ar fi în Madagascar :))

Stiu unde bați. Corupția e in concediu acolo si nu se mai întoarce. Poate acum se vor lua măsuri!

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