The Common Daisy (Holds mystery and intrigue) - Original PhotographysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography7 years ago

The Golden Ratio In Nature

I took this photo of a lovely daisy in my backyard yesterday. Apart from its beauty, I was intrigued by the symmetry and mathematical wonder held within.

The golden ration (aka golden mean) is exactly 1.61803398875. It's commonly represented by the greek letter phi. It is a proportion or aspect ratio found most prevalent in nature. It's been known to describe natural beauty most pleasing to the human.

It was perhaps most famously represented in Leonardo Da Vinci's sketch shown below.

I tried taking some crude ratios of natural features such as the human face and the numbers seen to work out. Of course there's a range to our natural proportions but it's still a wonder that so many things do indeed conform to the golden ratio.

Camera: Canon PowerShot ELPH 115 IS

If you want to read more about the Golden Ratio you can start here:

Free in Thought, 2017


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Cool! Seldom see people talking about golden ratio, I myself use that a lot in trading(market is viewed as nature occuring). Derived from the fibonacci sequence!

That's awesome @amazonpricecheck. I never thought about it from a market perspective. Anything you can share to get me started?

I also am a big believer in the whole notion that everything is a frequency or vibration and that there's math to that as well.

For example the whole subject of A432 vs A440 tuning and how 432Hz is more natural. I love listening to A432 music. It's as if I can literally feel the music.

YES it is called fibonacci, the tools i used for trading in the past 8 years has everything to do with that golden ratio. The tools are, fibonacci retracement/extention, harmonic patterns. These tools uses the GOLDEN ratio treating the market the same as nature. I'm not saying this for you to follow me or anything but, check out my posts on BTC charts, the purple thing is what i am talking about. You will see price touching at exactly the golden ratios(seriously exactly) I was so facinated by it till now sinced I had learnt it(8years)

My mother loves daisies. There's a huge flowerbed of them in front of her house. The whole family buys her daisies for mothers day too. Great photo!

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