
I understand your "weakness for roses". They are all so beautiful. Thank you and thank you for visiting my blog.

Entiendo tu "debilidad por las rosas". Son todos muy hermosos. Gracias y gracias por visitar mi blog.

This is one of the photos of my last flower post.
I followed your excellent recommendation and the text it’s in English and Spanish.


Beautiful photography and a nice write-up on the Cala Lily. It sure is a beautiful flower.

I highly recommend everyone take a look at @francyrios75's post.

Hermosa fotografía y un bonito relato en Cala Lily. Seguro que es una hermosa flor.

Recomiendo encarecidamente que todos echen un vistazo a la publicación de @ francyrios75.

Thank you very much, Mr. @r2cornell. You are very kind to recommend my post

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