"Azulejo" of garden or "Viudita" - Venezuelan Bird Collection

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Greetings my dear photography lovers

I'm back to tell you about other of our national birds, in this opportunity I bring you pictures of a nice "Azulejo", that I could capture with the lens of my camera, while he rested in the branches of one of the trees of Neen (Azadirachta Indica), which abound in one of the Squares that are in the City of "Lechería", that, as I have already commented on other opportunities, I usually visit during the afternoons. Perhaps, some of you will know this bird with the name of "Tangara Azulado "," Azulejo de Jardín "or" Viudita ", but in the scientific field, its name is Thraupis Episcopus.

The Azulejo, is a bird belonging to the species Paseriforme American, and integrates some of the most numerous bird families in our beloved planet, the Thraupidae. Having preference for habitats of tropical climate, this little bird, you can find from southern Mexico, to northern Brazil.

This bird, whose song is characterized by being weak and strident, that it is interspersed with notes that can be perceived as chuip and sííí. In average, it is a small bird, reaching the males in adulthood about 18 cm. of length and a weight of 35 grams, and bases its diet mainly in fruits, nectar and insects.



Content and photographs of my intellectual property

Previously published in WEKU

Technical Information

CameraPentax * istDL
LensTAMRON Tele-Macro, AF 75 300mm
LocationLechería, Anzoátegui State, Venezuela

Baner Francy WEKU.png

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://esencia-imagenes.mipropia.com/2019/06/23/azulejo-of-garden-or-viudita-venezuelan-bird-collection/


Hola Francy

Qué maravillosas están tus fotografías. Vaya, me han encantando y siento que sigues creciendo como fotógrafa cada día. Una calidad excelente y unas tomas, más que perfectas.

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Es un gran honor recibir su apoyo y me alegra mucho que te guste mi trabajo amiga @historiasamorlez

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Apreciación: En Venezuela tenemos pájaros hermosísimos, tus fotos están muy bellas.

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