Mankato Sculpture (Original Photography)

in #photography5 years ago


The city of Mankato, Minnesota has many sculptures in the downtown area. The displayed works are judged annually and are displayed for one year. The new ones popped up the morning of Mother's Day, and I wanted to share some of the more interesting ones.

Weird Twisty Thing

Since I'm dyslexic and have vision problems, reading the descriptions really doesn't work. Therefore, I will leave their interpretation up to you! For me, the challenge was trying to isolate the sculptures and photograph them in an interesting way. Avoiding photos that include parked cars, signs, stoplights, random passers-by, and trees is a bit of a trick.

The Twinkle in the Eye

There were several horse-themed sculptures, including a huge mixed-media one. This wire sculpture was more interesting and emotive, though. I managed to get the sunlight reflected in the shiny eye, creating a rather spectacular lens flare.

Um... Why a bighorn?

Here's another oddity. Why a bighorn in Mankato? There are no bighorns in the area, neither in farms nor wild. It's a very literal piece, too. Maybe someone will give it a Santa hat this winter.

Seahorse Knight

This seahorse is my absolute favorite of the sculptures this year. The only problem is the location! There was no good way to get an isolated photo from the front. The tag is a little odd. I wonder if someone forgot to remove it. With rain on the way, that little piece of paper will be gone soon enough.

Thank you for taking a look! If you enjoy my work, please click the upvote button. Comments are also greatly appreciated.





That is a really neat idea your city has, and I loved how you got the sparkle in the horses eye. How many art pieces are there?

I didn't really count, but I'd guess there are somewhere around twenty. There were some cool ones last year, too, but I sill miss the iron vulture from when I first moved there.

I love the sculptures, and you did a great job capturing them! The glare in the horse's eye is inspired!

Thanks! Avoiding "junk" in the backgrounds is a bit of a trick, down town.

Really interesting sculptures :) Some of them looks very steampunk! Very cool designs <3

That horse head is amazing * ___ *

Thanks! A lot of local artists seem to prefer using bolts and other metal objects that have been discarded in their works. It's definitely an interesting look.

Howdy sir fotosdenada! those are some really interesting shots that you got, well done! That reflection in the eye was perfect. Dang if you're dyslexic then how in the world do you do all your reading with school?

I changed from linguistics to Spanish for the Professions to avoid the 350 book reading requirement and used text-to-speech programs whenever possible. It was still difficult and time consuming, especially grading my students' handwritten assignments as a graduate teaching assistant.

wow sir fotosdenada, you're dedicated!

That's really neat. I kind of like the bighorn best. It's cute and got some nice details. It's cool they get to stick around for a year. A nice way to get someone's art showcased for a while before making room for new art to look at.

There are two interactive sculptures this year, too, which is kind of fun. One is a pentatonic xylophone and the other has four symbols and attached drumsticks. The kids (and college students) have been creating quite a ruckus with them already!

Those are some cool sculptures i love when a city welcomes art like this

the seahorse is cool but I think the horse is my favorite

Mankato is more cutting edge than I realized! I think rotating the art after a year is quite inspired. Your photos display the works perfectly!

I agree, they're all classics, but the seahorse wins for whimsy and fun. You can bring a huge blanket with you next time, and ask passerby's to hold it for you. THAT aughta work. (Right) They do put some pretty cool stuff downtown. Not sure about the bighorn either, then again, there probably aren't too many seahorses paddling about in your area either. So who's to say. But I DO love statues, particularly metal ones. Thanks for showing us around your town. That eye star was a real hit for sure, literally and figuratively.

The blanket would work, except that seahorse is on the pedestrian mall with about four bars. Maybe I could bring a black sheet and get a bunch of drunk kids to hold it up! lol

Ha haa, a Saturday night adventure in the making...

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