Castles: A few specimens from Andalusia

in #photography7 years ago (edited)



In the year 711, the Moors crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and began a military invasion of the Iberian peninsula. Within four years, they had conquered the vast majority of the territory. Almost at once, those in the north began to push back. What took four years to conquer by the Moors was retaken. The year 1492 saw, not only Columbus' voyage to the Americas, but the end of the reconquest.

As a result of this incredibly long series of battles and wars between various groups, Spain has a countryside dotted with castle-topped hills and mountains. Many small towns in Andalusia have castles or fortifications of arabesque or christian design. There are even remains of some Roman fortifications, but the Roman empire raze the vast majority and it takes a trained eye to see where they once stood.


The castle in Antequera, Málaga is an exammple of a fortification that was held by both groups at one point or another. Parts of the castle have a distinct arabesque style, while other portions appear to have been crafted by the northerners.

Mostly intact wall of the castle at Antequera

Arabesque window

Like most, the castle at Antequera was a utilitarian structure. This narrow alley appears to have served some purpose to that end, although I am not sure what.

Antequera castle element

Three distinct epochs of construction

Almodóvar del Río

Situated a short bus ride from the city of Córdoba lies Almodóvar del Río. This is another castle-topped village, but the castle has been restored and fairly well preserved. The exterior of this fort is an impressive view, much like it may have appeared centuries ago. The interior houses an event tent, which takes up the entire courtyard, and many of the rooms have dummies posed in period-looking clothing.

Castle at Almodóvar del Río

The following image shows one of the entrance walkways, with narrow doors and a series of gaps off to the left. This forced any attackers into a thin line and archers could fire on them through the gaps.

Defensive approach


Between Málaga and Cádiz provinces, there are many castles in various states of conservation or ruin. Another of my favorites is the town of Castellar, Cádiz. Castellar was once a proud defensive fortification and still retains much of its medieval architecture. Unlike many other towns in the region, where the castle sits alone atop a mountain and the village on the slope or valley beneath, this small town is mostly built within the castle's walls! It was (still sort of is) a hippie settlement.

Seriously, though, there was a guy with a hawk on his arm in the main courtyard, and the scent of "good herb" wafting from some windows! As for the castle, it is quite beautiful.

Castellar also boasts a very nice hotel and a few "rural houses," which can be rented.

Castle wall from below

Entrance road with defensive architecture

Look closely at this next image. barely visible above the wall, you can see the mountain known as the "Rock of Gibraltar" in the background!

Fortified wall

Gaucín Castle

The small village of Gaucín is a much more typical Andalusian castle-topped town. Here, the castle sits high above the village, a sentinel and monument to more turbulent times. If you decide to visit this beautiful place, bear in mind that the train station is in a satellite village about fifteen kilometers away. It is a long walk and entirely uphill.


The castle at Gaucín is in a state of ruin, but is beautiful in its way. Many of the walls have crumbled but, here and there, surprisingly intact pieces stand above the rubble.


Jimena de la Frontera

Another castle in a state of ruin, but beautiful in its way. Since these photos were taken, a restoration project has begun on the castle.

Castle ruins in Jimena de la Frontera

As with many castles on mountaintops, the panorama of the countryside beneath is breathtaking.


I hope you enjoyed these images and the little I've written about the castles. I have visited many more, but didn't want to turn this into a dissertation! Ruins, particularly castles and fortifications, are some of my favorite photography subjects. Perhaps, one day, I will be able to return and take some new photos. If I could support myself doing so, I would like to visit castles by province, studying their history and photographing them. It would be a beautiful and amazing historical guide book, when I was done with it!

Thank you for taking the time to read and view my work. I greatly value your comments and constructive criticism, as well as upvotes and re-steems.


— fotosdenada


Wow, thank you for sharing. I've travelled to Spain a few times, and I just love Spanish castles. I have visited some myself, but I have never seen these castles before. I love Spain.

Thanks! What areas did you visit?

Spain is awesome. I would have stayed if there had been a way. Three years wasn't nearly long enough!

My family went to Spain a lot when I was younger, and my dad would take us around castles. I cannot remember everywhere we went, but we went to a lot of castles in the Valencia area.... More recently, I've been to Seville, and visited the cathedral. Its not a castle, but its an amazing building! I loved Seville.

Ah, Sevilla. It's a beautiful city, but very touristy! That cathedral is amazing, especially the pipe organ and, of course, La Giralda. Did you climb it?

Yes, it is very touristy, but the Spanish people there are very friendly and laid back. We climbed La Giralda, and we also paid extra money to have a guided tour on the cathedral roof, which was amazing because we got to see lots of things many tourists don't see.

That sounds amazing!

I lived in Jerez de la frontera, Los Barrios (just north of Algeciras), and Ronda. On many occasions, I would go hiking with my Spanish friends to see things out in the countryside. Prehistoric cave drawings, the site of a Roman fortification, abandoned towers from the Moorish occupation... It's amazing how much history dots the landscape.

It must have been great living there..... I'm familiar with Ronda, and the big gorge, and have visited a couple of times. Unfortunately I was quite young, and my memory has faded. I definitely need to go back and refresh it. :)

Ronda is simply amazing :)

I wrote an article about Ronda and another about the Sierra de Ronda with some photos of the area and some of what it has to offer. You might enjoy them :)

Beautiful post. That would be neat to do the histories of each also.

Maybe I can write a grant to go gallivanting across Spain and write that book... :-)

Very brilliant photos! I love the pictures of Almodóvar del Río - especially the doorway ღ

Thank you and glad you enjoyed them! The view from the tower is beautiful, too!

Thanks for the mention :)

Pero qué bonitaaa nuestra tierra!! sigue asi!

Ojalá pudiera volver... Vivía tres años allí pero la vida me obligó volver a los EEUU. España es hermosa.

Wow, that was amazing journey with you here! great photos and so many interesting facts! I'm pretty sure you will enjoy my posts as well! :)

Thanks! I'll check them out.

interesting post! most people wouldn't imagine portugal and spain were dominated by moors for such a long time!

Well, the Moors, then the Berbers. Then the caliphate of Córdoba broke into smaller kingdoms whose territories were retaken little by little. It is interesting to consider that the Moors took the entire peninsula en four years and the reconquest took almost 800!

Thank you for sharing :) this is very Beautiful :)) Upvoted and Re-steemed for you :))

Awesome pics! Well explained!

Great poat mate. Great pictures!

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